Possible exam questions - calculations - help!

Hi all, I'm looking for some guidance into the possible 'mathematical' calculation questions that could come up in the Synoptic exam.

I have been provided with 2 practice assessments from Premier Training. On one assessment, there is a question for the calculation of contribution per unit, net increase in profit and margin of safety, and there is another question on ratios. The other assessment has a question for a flexed budget, a question to calculate net present costs and another for ratios.

From looking at the AAT practice assessments, I can see on paper 1 a question for marginal costs per unit & annual contributions, as well as another question about ratios. On paper 2, I can see one question for calculations on costings and again, one question about ratios.

From reading the examiner report, I am aware that a ratio calculations question will come up 100% but from the wide range of other questions, I am unsure as to what else will possibly appear. Please would someone advise on the likely mathematical questions to come up just so I know whether I need to go through all past units and revise all the calculations that could possibly be appear on the paper?

I am looking to sit this exam in March and wanting to find out as much as I can to give me the best possible chance of passing this exam. Any help would be much appreciated!
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