Developing cabability in Payroll

Jamestro Registered Posts: 2
Hello all, Im currently looking for a junior role in accounts/finance and I've noticed that on many of the popular jobsites (Indeed, TotalJobs etc) Payroll positions are far outnumbering any other general accounts postings in my area (North East, North Yorkshire). Is this the norm nationwide, time of year?

Also, given its mention in most postings I would like to develop my knowledge and skills in being able to run a company payroll. Im a current lvl 4 AAT student but Ive only touched upon the subject to date at lvl 2 (ie. the wage control account, nowhere near enough to apply to any professional roles with confidence). I see this as a gap in the current AAT curriculum unless Im missing something.

Any ideas on good learning resources, links, courses or books that would go into detail and cover all the requirements of running a payroll in 2019/20? Ive looked at the CIPP and Sage payroll courses so any recommendations from someone working in/with payroll or is in a similar position to me with this would be much appreciation.

Thanks in advance :)


  • amurray
    amurray Registered Posts: 304 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    edited November 2019
    Hi Jamestro,

    I was in the exact same boat, I felt I needed and wanted to learn the aspects of processing a payroll, this both out of interest and for work purposes, because AAT only touches on the payroll journals as you mentioned.

    I can recommend studying the ICB Level 3 Diploma in Payroll Management. There are a variety of distance learning colleges, I know of Training Link & Ideal Schools who were both recommended to me. There is also the IAB who offer their own Payroll courses.

    Hope this helps :)
    Completed AAT in March 2020
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