Resit or move onto Level 3? Help

joelnzinga92 Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
edited December 2021 in General discussion
I'm currently doing the Level 2. So I've failed one modules (67%) with two exams to go. I really feel like moving onto Level 3 as I think doing the resits will be too costly both time-wise (I am short on time and may fail another exam) and financially.

I know it is intuitive to pass Level 2 before advancing, but I feel confident enough to move onto Level 3 as I know the basic concepts of L2 and failed mostly as a result of poor revision (something I plan to improve on).

I know you need only L2 and L3 to get the full qualification. What do you recommend?



  • PhilJRoo76
    PhilJRoo76 Registered Posts: 30 Regular contributor ⭐
    I'd personally see level 2 through and pass the resit and get the certificate? If you don't, consider when you're doing level 3 and maybe fail a module and have to resit at that level as well. Might be wise to see level 2 all the way through first, at least get it completed.
  • Moi
    Moi Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    I'm currently doing Level 3 and it is harder than Level 2. I was glad to have completed Level 2 first as there's a lot of build up information and it's crucial not only get the basics right but be confident in moving on. If you have failed and exam, I would recommend resitting it and preparing for it very well this time before moving on as you may find it harder than you think.
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