New Business Set up - best way?

mjcltd Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
Good Morning

My 2 friends both have limited companies and were looking for help with their new business idea understanding the best way that they should set up the new business

My best friend has his own ltd company (limited company 1) as mortgage broker for He’s going into business with second director who also has his own limited company (limited company 2) again as an broker.

Wondering how they are best working this. since the problem is that revenue isn't earned evenly 50/50 between them, it's dependent on what mortgage deals they achieve etc. so they feel it would be unfair to split 50/50 as a new limited company.
Say that they take in say a £1k sale for a mortgage deal then one of the 2 directors’ may have done more work on that deal so to split 50/50 salary and divs would be unfair to split 50/50 so we were for accountancy support for the best way to set up the new venture

Kind Regards
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