Advice regarding getting an apprenticeship with a practice?

JJ21 Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
Hi, first of all, I have recently completed the level 2 AAT qualification. I'm 27 and have been working in the family business since leaving school at 16. I didn't get any qualifications when I was younger, so recently I did an IGCSE in English and got a B. However I have yet to get any Maths qualification and currently working towards getting level 2 in functional skills Maths, which I believe should be enough to cover the Maths side of things.

As I haven't had any experience in accounting I'm looking for an apprenticeship and start working on level 3. However, I'm not quite sure how to approach getting an apprenticeship, as I would really prefer to have my experience with a small practice rather than industry. Should I try and get an apprenticeship on my own for a position in a local practice? The reason why I haven't used a training provider is that they seem to have most of their available positions in industry. How hard is it to get an apprenticeship in practice compared to industry? Any advice would be welcome!
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