Can anyone clear the confusion? AQ2016

MP00326 Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸

Here is a screenshot from my "Your Progress" page on myAAT profile

Now, I have completed 3 exams. I have Using Acc Software and the Foundation Synoptic Assessment to complete and then the results from all of them will contribute to 100% of my final grade. However, what is Work Effectively in Finance? It does not weigh into the final grade. Is this another exam that relates to the synoptic or is it incorporated within it? Can anyone redirect me towards material with more info regarding this?

Thanks in advance to anyone for any help!

PS: yes I know I don't have much time left to complete the AQ2016, my mother has made me notice it on various occasions lol


  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 518 Epic contributor 🐘
    For me when I did level 2 the working effectively is incorporated into the level 2 synoptic. So learn this separate book with the synoptic book if that makes sense?
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