DFS Exam

joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
Those who are sitting on Wednesday have any tips on what to expect? after the monstrosity of PEV I don't even know where to begin :crying:

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  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    You need to get to grips with the IAS's. Have a look on the student resources for the examinable IAS's. Consolidated income statements and balance sheets are a favourite, as are ratio analysis (I would imagine you would be expected to calculate ratios and comment on them by way of a report).

    Kind regards and good luck.

  • mowzer
    mowzer Registered Posts: 67 Regular contributor ⭐
    Urg, i just did pev too n scared for dfs

    they're different examiners tho so hopefully evil won't be some sort of new trend!

    I think we need to watch out for the IAS's, my tutor told me that they would be cracking down on them as well as new terminology eg inventories, trade receivables etc

    hope this helps, i'm just trying not to panic now:001_smile:
  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanx guys

    So theres like 36 IAS i've got to learn in 24 hours :001_unsure::scared::ohmy::(
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    Are you studying by distance learning? There are approximately 36 IAS's but only approximately 22 of them are examinable. Look in the student resources on the students homepage for a list of those that are examinable.

    IAS's feature quite heavily in DFS so you would need a basic knowledge of the ones that are examinable.
  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    Oh, no, I study in England, well 22 is a lot better than 36.:thumbup:
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    By distance learning, I mean doing home study rather than classroom taught courses.

    The reason I ask is that your post came across like you hadn't done any revision for the IAS's at all.

    Kind regards
  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    We haven't gone over them in class, tutor told us to read about them at home.
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    I don't understand why your tutor has not gone through them in class.

    Try and get a basic knowledge of the examinable ones. There is an article I have written which I have posted on the technician forum about one of the standards (IAS 8) (see DFS Last Minute Revision thread).

    Good luck.

  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    thanks for the advice. I take it you passed DFS many moons ago.
  • purplegirl
    purplegirl Registered Posts: 47 Regular contributor ⭐
    Woah! Our tutor went over them in 3 seperate lessons, making sure we had notes on them all. And then we had an extra evening to go over them again. And I did pass.
    You should complain to your college as your tutor should be more helpful and not so lazy!
  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    Oh Gosh, I'm getting worried now :001_unsure:. Do you know everything about every single one of them?
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘

    You only need a basic but broad knowledge of the IAS's. I am astounded that your tutor has not covered these in class. If this is the case that s/he has told you to go away and revise them yourself, you really need to consider complaining to your college.

    Kind regards and good luck

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