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Politicians back AAT calls for accountants & tax advisers to be qualified

A third of accountants & tax advisers are unregulated i.e. the do not belong to a professional body. Of these, the vast majority are also unqualified.

AAT recently commissioned YouGov to establish MPs views on the subject and found that the overwhelming majority (82%) want anyone providing accountancy and tax services to be appropriately qualified.

Support was equally high among both Conservative and Labour MPs (81% each) which is something Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss and Kier Starmer should take note of.

Further details available in my AAT Comment article here:

Looking for a finance entry job

I have completed aat level 2 and I am looking for entry position in accounts, any recommendations?

Help for small businesses

There's all kinds of free and heavily subsidised support for small businesses whether start-ups, those looking to scale-up or those who've been in business for many years but do SMEs know about this?

There's definitely a role to play for accountants in signposting their small business clients towards relevant help and advice - even where it's not directly tax and finance related.

Find out more here:

Re: Unregulated accountants - let HMRC know your thoughts

The facts speak for themselves, HMRC has confirmed that two thirds of all agent related complaints are about the one third of the sector who are unregulated. Being regulated doesn’t solve all problems but it does make them far less likely. Unregulated agents cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions of pounds a year - £600m in incorrect claims for R&D tax relief alone.

Being a member of a professional body also means that agents are also subject to monitoring and review and that the public has the additional protection of access to complaints and disciplinary processes if things do go wrong.

Re: Aat level 3 bookkeeping

Hi there,
I can highly recommend First Intuition's study books (both the Course notes & Workbooks). I found they explain the various topics really easily and offer lots of practice questions and mock questions in their workbooks.
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