Pev Exam - Your Feedback Counts!!!!!

Celtic Angel
Celtic Angel Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
Hi All

I've been reading the pages and pages of concerns over the PEV exam yesterday morning - none of which made me feel any better! I've also just read the thread on the main forum page (the one telling us not to post too early due to other students sitting it in other parts of the world etc). There is a link on there for you to give your feedback on the exam - its a quick multi-choice thing that took a few minutes - so I suggest that we all post how we found the paper so the examining body know exactly how we feel about it all! There is also a direct email address to give specific feedback on the same!

Again specific gripes need to be put to the examiners - at the end of the day we can all console one another but I for one want someone to sit up and take notice that there are many of us who simply aren't happy with the exam! I'm going to attempt to put the link here for the exam feedback thread here the e-mail address for direct comments is - apparently we have until the 21 December to make our feelings felt!

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  • Celtic Angel
    Celtic Angel Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
  • Cortez
    Cortez Registered Posts: 76 Regular contributor ⭐
    Paul Bowen wrote: »
    Thanks CA.

    If anyone wants to use the email address CA's posted to send comment, could I ask you please to complete the questionnaire first? This gives us lots of good and useable data.

    Also, if you send comment on any paper (which we do encourage) please can you make sure it's specific? Statements that the paper was "horrible" or "not what I was expecting" or that you found it difficult to understand, are perfectly valid comment on a MB, but aren't a lot of use to the Exam Review Panel (ERP) or to the Chief Assessors in preparing future papers. Please give reasons and examples; it may help to wait until you've reread the papers (they'll be on the site next week) before you feed back.


    Paul Bowen (AAT Exams)

    Will the answers be on the site next week too or do we have to wait until we get our results for that?
  • purplegirl
    purplegirl Registered Posts: 47 Regular contributor ⭐
    Answers are usually released a week or 2 before the results.
  • Cortez
    Cortez Registered Posts: 76 Regular contributor ⭐
    Ok thanks.
  • purplegirl
    purplegirl Registered Posts: 47 Regular contributor ⭐
    Oh, last year we got the answers before the results.
  • _Jelena_
    _Jelena_ Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    Paul Bowen wrote: »
    Perhaps you saw suggested answers posted by a tutor before results came out? We've never published answers prior to results.
    Just a quick question: can you please advise me whether it is acceptable to pencil in the answers to questions first and then overwrite them with pen near the end? And what if for example I've completed all tasks in pencil first and than run out of time overriting it with pen and did only first half (Task 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3) of the exam paper in pen? (the rest of the exam paper completed in pencil...)
  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    I wrote in blue pen will I lose marks?
  • Cortez
    Cortez Registered Posts: 76 Regular contributor ⭐
    It only says "preferably black ink" in the exam notes I think. I always use blue ..
  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    Do you decuct marks if we dont attempt to answer a question?
  • joyride
    joyride Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    because I forgot to do one question and for one of the ratios i calcualted it the wrong way round and in the report I forget to write who it was from. What are the chances of me failing based on those mistakes?
  • Clairelou85
    Clairelou85 Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    I think that the paper on monday was really shocking! it was nothing like the past papers and think that it needs to be reviewed before June 08 exam (think i will be re-sitting) everyone i have spoken to thought it was hard and badly worded (got really confused). the comments on here need to be reflected in the marks and the future papers that students are going to be taking the exam, dont like being a guinny pig!!!
    my rant over for today people off to revise for tomorrow :001_tt2:
  • sjc84
    sjc84 Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    This paper was like none of the previous past papers we'd practised, there was too much written work to do, i seem to remember three reports!! Not too mention two profit and loss accounts. Ok so we got off lightly with the variances but they made up for it with the rest of the paper. :mad2:
  • emmafork
    emmafork Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    I also found the PEV exam "challenging" (for want of a better word). There was a lot of ground to cover in 3 hours and a lot of writing.

    My comment here is really about the online feedback questionnaires (and I've emailed this in too). Having sat two exams this week, I now find it difficult to remember speficially which task was which in each paper, and therefore it's hard to fill in the questionnaire accurately.

    The questionnaire could be more effective if there was a reminder of the content of each task - eg Task 1.1 - calculation & analysis of variances, packing dept, which would serve as an (unpleasant!) reminder of each bit of the exam.

    Just my £0.05 worth. (budget: £0.02 variance: £0.03 adverse)

  • Cortez
    Cortez Registered Posts: 76 Regular contributor ⭐
    emmafork wrote: »
    I also found the PEV exam "challenging" (for want of a better word). There was a lot of ground to cover in 3 hours and a lot of writing.

    My comment here is really about the online feedback questionnaires (and I've emailed this in too). Having sat two exams this week, I now find it difficult to remember speficially which task was which in each paper, and therefore it's hard to fill in the questionnaire accurately.

    The questionnaire could be more effective if there was a reminder of the content of each task - eg Task 1.1 - calculation & analysis of variances, packing dept, which would serve as an (unpleasant!) reminder of each bit of the exam.

    Just my £0.05 worth. (budget: £0.02 variance: £0.03 adverse)



    Anyway, the question papers will be online next week for that very purpose. Just hold off completing the questionnaire until then :001_smile: Or complete it again if you already have and it lets you.
  • sebastianforbes
    sebastianforbes Registered Posts: 172 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    hey paul (mr bowen),

    it's not too often that something makes you laugh around exam time, especially when someone from authority is involved...

    but your comment regarding lipstick hit the spot ! well done !!!

    who said accountant's are boring and square ?!!
  • speegs
    speegs Registered Posts: 854 Epic contributor 🐘
    I have also written to the AAT complaining about the wording in the whole exam. Especially regarding the closing stock.

    I think the AAT wanted us to fail!:mad: No wonder employers seem to see the AAT qualification as a laughing stock.
  • James
    James Registered Posts: 24 New contributor 🐸


    Hope your well,

    I was wondering if you could help me, im really stuck!

    June 2006 the budgeted operating statement, how did they get opening stock to be 17750

    & on June 2006 the question where the cost of production adds up to 757040

    Where did these figures come from!!

    Hope you can help
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    Your entry on this thread raises a question.
    Are you refering to the PCR exam paper in June 2006 - Sigma and Theta at Nutpin Ltd?
    Or have these figures cropped up in a PEV paper?

    If you can clear this up and be a little more specific about the tasks I'm sure I can help or other forumites may wish to help.
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    Theta cost of production is made up ass follows
    • Cost of materials (calculated by units produced x kg per unit grossed up for wastage x cost per kg)
    • Labour cost (units produced divided by units per hour x rate per hour)
    • Production overhead (units produced divided by units per hour x overhead absorption rate cper labour hour)
    • Total (These 3 figures added up)
  • ssneha7
    ssneha7 Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    AAT PEV Exam

    Hi, i dont understand why did the examinor chose to prepare exams very hard this time... the PEV paper that i sat for in december 2007 was no where near similar to any other past papers... its not fair on us who ever sat for the exams and didnt pass.... it was a shock when i saw the paper... i was like i hope i am not going nuts over here..... this has actually put me off from studies and wondering whether i will be able to sit for 3 exams in June!!!! i was very dissapointed with the examinor!!!! :thumbdown::mad2::crying::thumbdown:
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    I can understand that you would be disappointed that you did not pass, but I am not sure that you can blame the examiner.

    The examiner must test your ability to demonstrate the performance criteria and range statements and the knowledge and understanding as given in the student record.
    He did that, and did it in a way that flowed well and (in my opinion) made sense.

    In many ways he should not use the same style of question each time, as that could lead to candidates not demonstrating anything more than an ability to regurgitate something from another paper rather than true understanding in the context of a new scenario.

    I can sympathise with anyone who is teaching themselves using textbooks and past papers, but anyone who is attending a taught course will probably be getting more of an explanation of why certain approaches are taken to certain questions rather than just how to do the answer, and will also look at the standards much more and at the sorts of questions that could come up rather than just what have come up.

    Remember the weakness of a historical based forecasting approach such as linear regression or time series is the assumption that you can look at the past to predict the future. This is just as true with exams as with sales forecasts and prices.

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