HMRC One rule for one and one for another

peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
Has anyone else encountered this?

I rang HMRC as a sub-contractor client I deal with has (typically) lost all his vouchers so wanted HMRC to send me a list of captured vouchers.

64-8 in place so that wasn't an issue.

Woman at call centre said "sorry, we can't fax the list to you and I can't tell you when the list will go out as we are busy". To which I said "and, we're not?" This woman was talking total crap, because they have sent this info to me before by fax.

Put phone down, rang again, spoke to another woman - in the same call centre - who said "of course I can fax it to you - it will be with you in an hour". Which it was.

What sort of staff training do some of these imbeciles who work for HMRC receive? It's beyond me.

Anyway, rant over.

"Working Together" and "Tax doesn't have to be taxing". What rubbish.

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  • claudialowe
    claudialowe Registered Posts: 275 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰

    Thanks for that - I have got a new client who thought that as a subbie and having his tax deducted, he didnt need to submit a return :lol::lol::lol: and couldn't understand why he had been sent one, and then a reminder the other day :lol::lol::lol:

    I can't get his vouchers or invoices to tie up - so once the authorisation has come through - sorry, IF the authorisation comes through - I can get a list from HMRC.

  • Dean
    Dean Registered Posts: 646 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Great post Steve. Try this one...

    Phone HMRC: me "can you tell me about so and so" muppet "no sorry, you don't have authorisation" me "well the 64-8 has been in place over 25 years!" muppet "not according to my system" me "ok, bye". I then hit redial and ask the same questions to another, I'll call her an advisor, and two minutes later receive the information I wanted.

    I then ask this second advisor about the 64-8 and she said "yes, it is in place". I'm sure some of them have mud in their eyes!


  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    I'd sack the bloody lot of them.

    The word "hopeless" doesn't even scratch the surface.
  • JoBo
    JoBo Registered Posts: 16 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    Hi everyone,

    Im new to this so any advice very welcome.

    I do all the bookkeeping for my partner who is a sole trader but does some work on his CIS card. Obviously a couple of his vouchers have been eaten up by the big black hole in the car/wallet/pocket etc.
    As there is only a 2 companies he works this way for i got them to send a list of all they paid him, however there was 1 month missing off the list and i suspect they may have taken the tax off him but not paid it to hmrc.
    So my question is, i can get a list faxed from hmrc? and if it has been missed off, any ideas?

    P.S i agree, when ever i have called them they seam to know less than me and that realy is saying something.
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    HMRC should be able to send you a list of captured vouchers which they have on their system. If you cannot speak to HMRC on your partner's behalf, then it may be quicker to get your partner to ring them and ask for a list of vouchers up to 5th April.

  • JoBo
    JoBo Registered Posts: 16 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    Called the fools and they recon that they can no longer fax the info over, told them thats fine your very big on doing it all on line email it! Oh no it must go in the super fast, safe, reliable post.
    They also have the wrong address after i have told god no's how many of the clowns over the last year it has changed.
  • Dean
    Dean Registered Posts: 646 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    JoBo wrote: ยป
    Called the fools and they recon that they can no longer fax the info over, told them thats fine your very big on doing it all on line email it! Oh no it must go in the super fast, safe, reliable post.
    They also have the wrong address after i have told god no's how many of the clowns over the last year it has changed.

    Not suprised! :lol:

    We have had a letter of apology today from the Revenue saying, when they received our clients' tax return it was processed wrong and the tax will be collected via the tax code instead of one lump sum as we requested! Think i'm going to frame it!


  • charlie m
    charlie m Registered Posts: 3 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    Obviously the delightful HMRC are having a bad day today. I spoke earlier to them with regards to a client. The advisor then passed me through to a technician, who was extremely helpful, but lo & behold we got cut off half way through!!!!!!!!!!.

    I have phoned back several times, once got the answer phone message that tells you how busy they are & then cuts you off and then all the technicians were busy. I have just called back on exactly the same number to be told that they don't have technicians that you can speak to on the phone & the only way to speak to one is to go in to my local tax office, the phone then went dead!!!!!!!!!

    The joys of the HMRC.

  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Well either I expect too much or HMRC are just getting totally unreasonable.

    My brother is a roofer working under the CIS rules. He has lost a couple of vouchers (surprise, surprise) so knowing how wonderfully co-operative the Government Department known as HMRC are he rings them up to ask for a list of captured vouchers.

    According to my brother the woman at the other end of the phone was like Cruella de Ville. Not only will the twirps NOT send a letter to him with them on through the post - they will only supply this letter to him in a pre-booked interview! What a complete and utter shambles this bloody godforsaken nightmare of an organisation is becoming. I dread to think what attributes you have to have to work for that place.

    There are 2 vouchers missing and my brother now has to attend HMRC local office on Tuesday morning to get the voucher list. If the half-wits had posted it out today I would have received it by Monday.

    Anyway, I am going to go with him on Tuesday and see what they have to say for themselves. God help them.
  • claudialowe
    claudialowe Registered Posts: 275 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Oh Steve - that really fills me with joy, as I have got to phone them this morning to ask that exact same question....

    If that is all that they can do, then I will complete the subbie return from his invoices - assume that all tax has been deducted, and put in the white box that some of his vouchers have been "mislaid".

    They suggested to me that the beginning of the week that I went and queued to get a previous return printed off there and then for me - what is the point of being an agent? Why submit 64-8s? Why don't they trust us?

    Perhaps I need a little more sleep and little less problem clients!!!!

  • claudialowe
    claudialowe Registered Posts: 275 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Result - I have just spoken to one (maybe the only one!) non-muppet there, who has been through my clients vouchers that they have on file, and given me the dates and amounts of the missing ones :thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1:

    There is some life left in that soulless institution after all :thumbup:


    PS - just means that I have got to print out his return again :thumbdown:
  • Dean
    Dean Registered Posts: 646 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Result - I have just spoken to one (maybe the only one!) non-muppet there, who has been through my clients vouchers that they have on file, and given me the dates and amounts of the missing ones :thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1:

    Result! :thumbup:


  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    How annoying!

    We've had two subbies come to us and the contractor has not given out the vouchers. AFter threatening to report him to HMRC (as he's been supposed to get them for the last 2 months) he's got his accountant to fax through a schedule. I asked HMRC for a list and they said the processing unit would ring me back as high priority but she couldn't guarantee that they would fax a list of the lodged vouchers. This was Tuesday and I'm still waiting for the high priority call!!!
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Good job HMRC aren't subcontracted to the emergency services. An emergency to them would be an adviser breaking an acrylic nail.
  • T.C.
    T.C. Registered, Tutor Posts: 1,448 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    So will the new CIS system make things easier or more difficult next year? :confused1:
  • Poodle
    Poodle Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜

    Frustrating or what.

    I listed my clients CIS vouchers for 2005/06 I had to speak to the recovery section dealing with the late return and so I asked if they could fax a list of captured vouchers, they gave me a gross figure of ยฃ5K less than the actual vouchers in hand, said that only 'the inspector' could give me details, but they did say that they had 10 vouchers.

    2006/07 was also out by about ยฃ3k the other way:crying:

    'The inspector' could not access the screen to confirm any amounts but would put in a request for the information to be posted. They no longer fax 'because of the missing discs you know!'

    TC I am not looking forward to the 2008 subcontractor accounts, I have to admit.

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