Crap Tutor
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Has anyone experience having a VERY bad tutor? I am a Technician student and our PTC tutor is as bad as you can get. His handouts are full of mistakes and can't cope when you start asking him questions as he doesn't know the answers! We have mentioned to the other tutor, who is very knowledgeable and experienced and he said he would talk to the programme manager of the course. Nobody came to talk to us as he said they would. I have e-mailed the programme manager and she replied saying she had been to observe his class and did not find him lacking in knowledge. She is off sick at the moment but will follow up my complaint when she is back to work.
It's really annoying that we are paying for a service that is not being delivered. I gave up going to his classes, and also some colleagues, but of course we are strugling on our own. We chose a college based course because we believe we need input and support on a regular basis, otherwise we would have chosen a home learning programme.
I even sent an e-mail to the AAT to ask for advice.
Any ideas??
It's really annoying that we are paying for a service that is not being delivered. I gave up going to his classes, and also some colleagues, but of course we are strugling on our own. We chose a college based course because we believe we need input and support on a regular basis, otherwise we would have chosen a home learning programme.
I even sent an e-mail to the AAT to ask for advice.
Any ideas??
Interested what the outcome is of this ....... We have a teacher who obv knows what shes doing but when it comes to teaching it she just can't, then she tends to help out people shes teached before more than the 1s that actually struggle because of bad explanations.0
I think with practically naming the tutor online - you've mentioned he's male, a Technician level tutor plus the name of the college he teaches at so altogether it wouldn't be too hard to work out who he is - all added to your thread title, borders on libellous and you should have approached your post with extreme caution since you're writing with opinion not fact. I find what you've publicly written outrageous and completely lacking in professionalism, courtesy and dignity towards another person. What if the tutor now logs onto the Forum - and there's a good chance he might since you've done all but actually name him - and reads what you've put?
Besides, is this his first year of teaching at that level? If not, he still may actually have good results even though his methods might be a little awkward. It could be that if he didn't teach it then there'd be no teacher at all and you'd have to travel further afield for classes.
I'd certainly edit your post before you do anything else as you risk damaging his reputation and livelihood if it remains there as it currently stands, the consequences of which could fall on you.0 -
I wonder why you got so ungry.... I'm sorry if I offended you. His method is not awkward. He can't teach. I am paying his salary for God sake! I'm not the only one complaining to the College and they are not doing anything. You can call me unprofessional, but what do we call him then? I wish he had the decency to resign.
I followed your suggestion though and edited my post.0 -
it's a bit of a catch 22...
i think a lot of colleges work from authorised textbooks. this helps to alleviate problems such as yours. of course, it is also less cost effective for the college unless they increase their fees.
as soon as i'd identified the problem, i would have gone straight out to purchase the relevant textbook.
as a homestudy student, i can only rely upon myself and my authorised editions... and this will bode well for future employment.
sometimes, we don't like to accept that we have found our academic limits ?
best of luck
sebastian.0 -
I think with practically naming the tutor online - you've mentioned he's male, a Technician level tutor plus the name of the college he teaches at so altogether it wouldn't be too hard to work out who he is - all added to your thread title, borders on libellous and you should have approached your post with extreme caution since you're writing with opinion not fact. I find what you've publicly written outrageous and completely lacking in professionalism, courtesy and dignity towards another person. What if the tutor now logs onto the Forum - and there's a good chance he might since you've done all but actually name him - and reads what you've put?
Besides, is this his first year of teaching at that level? If not, he still may actually have good results even though his methods might be a little awkward. It could be that if he didn't teach it then there'd be no teacher at all and you'd have to travel further afield for classes.
I'd certainly edit your post before you do anything else as you risk damaging his reputation and livelihood if it remains there as it currently stands, the consequences of which could fall on you.
dont think there was really a need to go off on one quite like that!!
if your paying for a service you expect to get what you pay for at the end of the day.0 -
sebastianforbes wrote: »it's a bit of a catch 22...
i think a lot of colleges work from authorised textbooks. this helps to alleviate problems such as yours. of course, it is also less cost effective for the college unless they increase their fees.
as soon as i'd identified the problem, i would have gone straight out to purchase the relevant textbook.
as a homestudy student, i can only rely upon myself and my authorised editions... and this will bode well for future employment.
sometimes, we don't like to accept that we have found our academic limits ?
best of luck
I haven't chosen a home learning programme because I need the input and support on a regular basis. And I have all the books, but I just want to get what I am paying for. Is that a lot to ask? If you take your car to a garage to be fixed and they don't do the job properly would you try and sort it out yourself at home? NO! And I don't think you would be recommending them either.0 -
I half agree with what Blobby said although I can understand the frustration of paying for a service you don't get. Yes the tutors livelihood is at stake but maybe the students is too?
My first thought is - have you actually told your tutor that you and others are finding this problem? That would have been my very first port of call, and I'd hope that you would do that before speaking to his boss or posting on the internet.
Put yourself in his shoes, if you were to find out that your students have a problem with you, would you rather they told you themselves, or would you rather hear it from your manager/read it on the internet? To use your analogy, if a mechanic did a bad job on your car, you would probably tell him there and then so he could defend himself (or make something up!).
Hope your situation gets resolved soon0 -
Two different types of tutors
Am on my second year and have found the toutor this year is totally different in style to last years.
I really miss the style we had last year - more group sessions more teaching full stop. more advise more support out of college also, like a had a close family memeber died and had to take 3 weeks off but she emalied everything that i had missed to not to fall to far behind.
This year however, nothing the same what so ever, even in class all that happens we have received are printouts from the text books (to which am sure is a law infrindgement) sat lisen to the tutor read it out then left to work it out. I made the mistake once of asking a question and then trying to explane that i didnt understand the process of something the tutor became almost agressive and then they just walked away. At that point i stood up and left. Only problem is i had to go back the following week it took a lot to convience my boss to pay the fees this year so am stuck.
The final straw for me was this week when the tutor said to me "well if you dont know it now you never will" so i piped up "i do know it, no thanks to you" Stood up picked up some more practise exam papers and left in tears.
Call me soft or whatever you like but id had it. We are under enough pressure and as i understood college was more for structured learning not self.0 -
dont think there was really a need to go off on one quite like that!!
if your paying for a service you expect to get what you pay for at the end of the day.
Laura, you are of course entitled to your opinion but you have come into and re-opened this thread a fortnight after the opening post and which has since been edited to remove direct references to the tutor in question.
In general, however much you are paying for a course and however much you think your tutor is weak, naming and shaming them online lynch-mob style so they can be easily identified by their students, peers and friends is clearly not the right way to express those feelings. The overriding consideration before posting online should have been for the tutor's personal dignity with the complaint being expressed through alternative, more appropriate channels.0 -
To be honest I think being a tutor is probably one of the most hardest jobs anyone can do - though obviously rewarding at the same time. You have so many people whose expectations of you are so high and your teaching style may be well-received by the majority, but it might not be by others.
There are, of course, some dreadful tutors but in the main I think these are weeded out and dealt with as quickly as possible.
I think where you have a tutor that you consider "bad" the best thing is to speak to the tutor in private and address your concerns that way. If that doesn't work then maybe one or two of you go to the department head and see what can be done then. I think your concerns should be substantiated and the majority of the class should agree the tutor's style is not up to the standard required.
There's no excuse for tutors to be rude and I have read threads where tutors tell the class "if you don't know it now, you'll never know it". I agree that such comments are inappropriate if this comment is conveyed in such a way as to be dereogatory as tutors should be there to encourage and help their students. I think, however, these instances are quite rare.
Kind regards
Steve0 -
Laura, you are of course entitled to your opinion but you have come into and re-opened this thread a fortnight after the opening post and which has since been edited to remove direct references to the tutor in question.
In general, however much you are paying for a course and however much you think your tutor is weak, naming and shaming them online lynch-mob style so they can be easily identified by their students, peers and friends is clearly not the right way to express those feelings. The overriding consideration before posting online should have been for the tutor's personal dignity with the complaint being expressed through alternative, more appropriate channels.
Robert please dont take this the wrong way but this is a student forum not a tutor forum and if people feel they are been mistreated and need advice from there peers i myself would like to think we could discuss it between ourselves and seek advise on how to deal with the matter in hand.
I also have had a problem along these lines and was rather upset by it, but thanks to comments made by fellow students i felt i had a right to complain so this thread did have some use.
Dont get me wrong i agree you shouldn't name or shame your tutors, but speak to them directly (which i shall also once my exam is over this week), however no names have been mentioned otherwise am sure the AAT would have removed the post directly, as it would leave them with a law suit on there hands.
Vic0 -
Yeah the topic of how good a tutor is has been debate for years. They think they know everything but most especially at university are in the job for the money. When I was at uni I camed across comments like "I am not paid enough money to go through a model answer"; the uni does crap every year but no its the students fault!!!!!! Another comment was "the reason why there wasnt many fails last year was because there wasnt man oversea's students" - yep oversea student are paying nearly tripple than home students. What I am saying is that in my experience you have to take a lot of grief to get qualifications as some who teach arent bothered about your development which I find is hard to take.
At uni you were always encouraged to take problems directly to the tutor concern; believe it was uni policy.0 -
I think with practically naming the tutor online - you've mentioned he's male, a Technician level tutor plus the name of the college he teaches at so altogether it wouldn't be too hard to work out who he is - all added to your thread title, borders on libellous and you should have approached your post with extreme caution since you're writing with opinion not fact. I find what you've publicly written outrageous and completely lacking in professionalism, courtesy and dignity towards another person. What if the tutor now logs onto the Forum - and there's a good chance he might since you've done all but actually name him - and reads what you've put?
Besides, is this his first year of teaching at that level? If not, he still may actually have good results even though his methods might be a little awkward. It could be that if he didn't teach it then there'd be no teacher at all and you'd have to travel further afield for classes.
I'd certainly edit your post before you do anything else as you risk damaging his reputation and livelihood if it remains there as it currently stands, the consequences of which could fall on you.
It isn't libel if what is written is true, I've no idea whether it is or not, however one would imagine the original poster is in a far better position to judge this.
Accusations such as his mistakes being full of handouts can easily be proven or disproven.
I disagree that the interests of the tutor are paramount, who knows, some other students who feel the same may be prompted to also speak out if they realise they aren't the only ones.
As for the things you mention such as it possibly being his first year/only person who can teach it etc, they are excuses. The poster paid for his college course and it is upto them to provide a satisfactory service.0 -
This thread is called "crap tutor". Very classy.0
It isn't libel if what is written is true, I've no idea whether it is or not, however one would imagine the original poster is in a far better position to judge this. As for the things you mention such as it possibly being his first year/only person who can teach it etc, they are excuses. The poster paid for his college course and it is upto them to provide a satisfactory service.
I'll answer three points there;
Point one; firstly it's in recorded (written) form and secondly it's strictly within the realms of student conjecture and opinion until upheld by an enforcing authority who would have to verify the allegations. Until that happens, it's fair to say what was written was tantamount to libel. Popular opinion is not the same as proved truth and people should be aware of the difference when publishing potentially inflammatory comments online.
Point two; people are not born teachers anymore than they're born accountants, doctors or soldiers. Teachers probably have to build more confidence at what they do than most other professions since they're not scrutinised by just one or two individuals but by a full classroom as well as their superiors and colleagues. Good teaching comes with experience.
Point three; yes, it's up to the college to provide a satifactory course but as one other poster to this thread pointed out, it's also up to the student to help develop their own understanding. Many of us who studied at college will have seen students who didn't - and in rare cases, couldn't be bothered - to do this and simply projected their frustrations onto the tutor without looking inwards to see the real causes of their failure.0 -
I am both a student and a part-time tutor.
From the students point of view, I do think it is important to talk to your tutor and let them know how you feel and what help you feel you are lacking, although as mentioned previously you have to self study inbetween classes so you actually take in and most importantly UNDERSTAND what is taught in class, this is not always possible in the space of 3 hours.
From the tutors point of view, it is difficult and timely establishing each individuals preffered method of learning, I would certainly advise you to speak to the tutor as it may take time to realise you are having difficulties if you do not say so. Different tutors have different teaching styles although working from the same syllabus and sometimes its just a case of trial and error finding the right tutor for you (I changed college as I preffered the tutor who came in to cover our permanent tutors sickness, however other students preferred the original tutor?).
Hope this helps.0 -
Laura, you are of course entitled to your opinion but you have come into and re-opened this thread a fortnight after the opening post and which has since been edited to remove direct references to the tutor in question.
In general, however much you are paying for a course and however much you think your tutor is weak, naming and shaming them online lynch-mob style so they can be easily identified by their students, peers and friends is clearly not the right way to express those feelings. The overriding consideration before posting online should have been for the tutor's personal dignity with the complaint being expressed through alternative, more appropriate channels.
i didnt realise there was a time limit on replying to threads and i didnt "re-open" it as there is a thread above me the day before i posted.
i didnt think that the OP was that bad! i have no idea who they are talking about so its hardly naming and shaming, although i appreciate that what they originally wrote may not been what i have read.
either way, as per my last post if you are paying for a service you expect a certain standard and as per A-Vics post, this is a student board and thus students should be able to discuss relevant topics amongst each other0 -
Well a bit of an update i know this thread is almost over but here goes.
Turned up for college yesturday, and no tutor (second week runing) all of the students had turned up - so when the course director turned up wondering why we were there we told him for class. well he told us there was not ment to be a class anyway - at this point i got mad (yet again) so we used the time to give feed back on our tutor (not a witch hunt) apartnely all the classes do this.
So i put accross my feelings and didnt hold back - dont get me wrong personally he can be pretty nice and i explaned this but as a tutor all of us found that we are not getting much from the class at all.
Well we heard all the excuses i staited i understood that tutors are under pressure - but i put back to him that so are we as students and really thats why we deceided to come to college to have the back up (he totally agreed at this point) and that if i was going to self study i would have choosen a home study programme.
well when i had finished doing most of the talking it turns out that the evening classes had brought up the same issues we had - however the full time students didnt have a problem (which annoyied me because we only get 4 hours a week in college to learn what they have 16).
so anyway he is going to look in to it.
I dont feel bad about this at all, at the end of the day i have 3 more units to do with this tutor this year and if there is a problem after just one if it cant change or if i had left it i would have ended up walking out totally.
Vic0 -
Tutors have it tough. They have to pass the AAT themselves, do a PGCE then teach a whole class of students and prep when they don't teach. I salute my tutor for delivering the knowledge I needed to sit my PCR and PTC exams last week despite the difficulty of the PCR exam. Having said that, we are paying for a service so any investment in a class - money and time - should provide quality services.0
Hello everyone
I haven't been looking at the posts for a while. Too busy with all the complaints. Yesterday I had enough, as we (the WHOLE class) has complained and complained and nothing done. After an exercise, the tutor was putting the answers on the board, but as we couldn't figure out the answers we asked for the workings and he didn't know how to get to them. I then said - ' You should know the answer. How do you come into class without preparing for the lesson. I'm paying your salary and you are not delivering the service'. He said he was going to take that on board and then I replied ' I don't think so, as we are going through this since foundation level and every single class is the same - I'm sick of it!'
Even after that he still wanted to put the answers on the board, but then a couple of other students said 'What's the point? We need to know how to get to those figures.'
He said he didn't know at that moment and the class ended.
Believe me, I'm so angry my chest aches. And the college says he is competente. It's like this EVERY SINGLE CLASS!!!!0 -
Hil, If you are having so many problems with your college, I suggest:
1) You send them a debit note stating lack of teaching ability of your tutor as the reason for an amount you think is a reasonable refund (obviously not more than what you paid to them in the first place for your course).
2) Keep a log of any incidents and the dates of when you have complained as evidence.
3) If/When they don't pay your debit note, contact the citizens advice bureau and see if you can claim your money back through the small claims court (costs about £30 which you get back if you win).
4) Unfortunately, much as it annoys and upsets you, naming and shaming could course you trouble (as per Mr Blobby's :001_smile: post). I had a tutor when I was at college who could not cope with me being dyslexic. He kept shouting at me to do "mental maths". Well to me 17.47 x 34584=? is not mental maths. When I eventually retaliated and told him to work it out in his in head, he couldn't do it and soon shut up.
5) Change colleges for your next course. I highly recommend BPP London, which I where I went after the "mental math man" scared me off.
I hope things work out for you anyway.
Speegs:thumbup1:0 -
Hil, If you are having so many problems with your college, I suggest:
1) You send them a debit note stating lack of teaching ability of your tutor as the reason for an amount you think is a reasonable refund (obviously not more than what you paid to them in the first place for your course).
2) Keep a log of any incidents and the dates of when you have complained as evidence.
3) If/When they don't pay your debit note, contact the citizens advice bureau and see if you can claim your money back through the small claims court (costs about £30 which you get back if you win).
4) Unfortunately, much as it annoys and upsets you, naming and shaming could course you trouble (as per Mr Blobby's :001_smile: post). I had a tutor when I was at college who could not cope with me being dyslexic. He kept shouting at me to do "mental maths". Well to me 17.47 x 34584=? is not mental maths. When I eventually retaliated and told him to work it out in his in head, he couldn't do it and soon shut up.
5) Change colleges for your next course. I highly recommend BPP London, which I where I went after the "mental math man" scared me off.
I hope things work out for you anyway.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
Hil0 -
No problem Hil. Glad to help.
By the way, you can give me a shout if you are stuck on anything with your PTC studies. I did PTC in 2008 and absolutely loved it. I am now a Member In Practice and happy to help you, if I can, if you get stuck. (Obviously all help is free :001_smile: )
Speegs :thumbup1:0 -
It is appalling that things have got to the point that it is affecting your health.
May not be of any use but I was recommended a book from my doctor when I started getting anxiety attacks, hopefully things haven't got that bad yet. It is called Self Help for you Nerves by Claire Weekes.
I hate the idea of self help books can't get my head around them usually, but this has been fantastic, has really helped.
Hope you get somewhere with reclaiming the money from your college. My mother works for a large college in London and the stories I hear from her make my blood curdle.
It's all about student numbers and securing funding, most tutors have no experience in running their courses, they tend to be qualified in a completely different subject or not qualified at all. But it's easier than getting someone who is properly qualified as they are all disillusioned with the whole system. Her college only seems to care about bums on seats, it's awful to think they are all the same!!
Good luck0 -
No problem Hil. Glad to help.
By the way, you can give me a shout if you are stuck on anything with your PTC studies. I did PTC in 2008 and absolutely loved it. I am now a Member In Practice and happy to help you, if I can, if you get stuck. (Obviously all help is free :001_smile: )
Speegs :thumbup1:
I would have to re-sit next June, but no way. I might leave for next year and go to a different college as well. Thanks for the offer anyway - very kind of you. :-)0 -
katsutlieff wrote: »It is appalling that things have got to the point that it is affecting your health.
May not be of any use but I was recommended a book from my doctor when I started getting anxiety attacks, hopefully things haven't got that bad yet. It is called Self Help for you Nerves by Claire Weekes.
I hate the idea of self help books can't get my head around them usually, but this has been fantastic, has really helped.
Hope you get somewhere with reclaiming the money from your college. My mother works for a large college in London and the stories I hear from her make my blood curdle.
It's all about student numbers and securing funding, most tutors have no experience in running their courses, they tend to be qualified in a completely different subject or not qualified at all. But it's easier than getting someone who is properly qualified as they are all disillusioned with the whole system. Her college only seems to care about bums on seats, it's awful to think they are all the same!!
Good luck
Thanks for the tip. It's so reassuring to know there are lots of good people out there, even without knowing us they are trying to help. Thanks a bunch!:001_smile:
To be honest I am not bothered about having someone qualified, I want someone with knowledge. My tutor is qualified, as fas as we know, but hasn't got a clue what he is talking about. I myself have about 18 qualifications, including Admin, IT and AAT now, but that doesn't mean I am competente to stand in front of a class and teach. But if I had to do it, one thing is for sure - I would get well prepared for it.
Thanks for your input.
Hil0 -
Yes, lets all blame the tutor when we can't hack the course. Very original.0
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