Complaining about the PCR exam

Registered Posts: 172 Dedicated contributor 🦉
I have just received a response from the AAT regarding the PCR exam. Please see below:
Dear AAT student
Thank you for your feedback on the recent AAT exams. We greatly appreciate the time and trouble you have taken to get in touch. Your comments are very valuable to us. Please accept this message as confirmation that we have received your email. I am sorry that we will not be able to provide individual responses to your comments.
I can confirm that we collate all the feedback we receive on the exam papers and that it is considered by the Exam Review Panel (ERP) before results are finalised. A few weeks after the exams, once all the scripts are marked, ERP meets and it considers all the evidence relating to each exam including: the unit specifications, centre and student feedback, marker statistics, statistics on candidate performances and reports from markers, as part of the decision process.
Thank you again for taking the time to put your feedback in writing. You may also wish to complete the exam feedback questionnaire, which you can access through the following link
AAT Exams Team
I would recommend that all AAT students that have a complaint regarding the PCR exam, email the AAT with the complaint. If enough people make enough noise, we will be heard and a great consideration will be given when marking the paper.
Even though I didn't feel the paper was difficult, I do feel that 4 hours should have been allowed, to adjust to the new layout. Section 1 only allowed me 45 minutes to complete section 2, which caused me to just put in the answers without the workings. Those workings are worth valuable points if the answers are incorrect. I also had to rush the letter that compared the budget to the actual results at the end of the paper.
You can reach the exam team on the following email address:
I have just received a response from the AAT regarding the PCR exam. Please see below:
Dear AAT student
Thank you for your feedback on the recent AAT exams. We greatly appreciate the time and trouble you have taken to get in touch. Your comments are very valuable to us. Please accept this message as confirmation that we have received your email. I am sorry that we will not be able to provide individual responses to your comments.
I can confirm that we collate all the feedback we receive on the exam papers and that it is considered by the Exam Review Panel (ERP) before results are finalised. A few weeks after the exams, once all the scripts are marked, ERP meets and it considers all the evidence relating to each exam including: the unit specifications, centre and student feedback, marker statistics, statistics on candidate performances and reports from markers, as part of the decision process.
Thank you again for taking the time to put your feedback in writing. You may also wish to complete the exam feedback questionnaire, which you can access through the following link
AAT Exams Team
I would recommend that all AAT students that have a complaint regarding the PCR exam, email the AAT with the complaint. If enough people make enough noise, we will be heard and a great consideration will be given when marking the paper.
Even though I didn't feel the paper was difficult, I do feel that 4 hours should have been allowed, to adjust to the new layout. Section 1 only allowed me 45 minutes to complete section 2, which caused me to just put in the answers without the workings. Those workings are worth valuable points if the answers are incorrect. I also had to rush the letter that compared the budget to the actual results at the end of the paper.
You can reach the exam team on the following email address:
huh new layout ?? whats new about it any ways ??
I am doing PCR in june ...
Gentle Jesus0 -
How do you expect to get special consideration?
Everyone had the same paper and the pass rate will probably be similar at around 70%
If you were running out of time it would have been best to move on and then go back to it at the end.
It did take me longer than expected, however it still only took my 2 hours and I was the 6th person out of my exam to finish! of about 20.0 -
That's good for you Garry but others did find time management difficult. I managed to complete the past papers in under 2 hours then struggled with this paper. You will find that a lot of people where unhappy. View the forum with over 200 posts and you will see. The exam is not meant to test your speed, it's meant to test knowledge. We all have that knowledge but some find it harder to show it in a short space of time.0
Thanks for the link.
Hopefully the AAT take into account that in general, they won't hear from people who are happy, and factor down the people moaning (sorry, but there's no other word for it).
I'm new to this forum, but if this is representative of what it's like at "exam time" then I'll not be back - so far I've seen "external noise", "people leaning on external walls", "too hot", "unfamiliar layout", "questions we weren't expecting", "we shouldn't be expected to be able to do time management" used as excuses. Nobody seems willing to concede that possibly if they can't knock together a simplistic budget, flex another, and write a couple of memos in 3 hours, they may be overreaching their capabilities? (I was actually pleasantly surprised to see a guideline time for each task, helped me to benchmark myself as I went along)
Look at it objectively, if you'd come back from your GCSE exams and said any of that to your parents, how would it have gone down? The only thing missing is a threat to sue the AAT for breaching your human right to pass...
Sorry, I know this reads like a rant - feel free to ignore me if you disagree - you will be bigger than me for doing so, clearly! And I sincerely hope you all pass, although I'd rather it wasn't achieved by orchestrated whining to the AAT so that they lower the passmark, which is what *appears* to be starting to happen.0 -
I completely agree! We all sat the same paper, so the people who have the knowledge should still pass.
Everyone needs to stop moaning, the paper was well put together.
The only thing I would say is that 1.3 took longer than expected! 20 minutes was a lie!0 -
You and I are in the minority...although I'm willing to bet that the silent majority (who read these forums but don't post) agree with us, impossible to prove though that is!0
You and I are in the minority...although I'm willing to bet that the silent majority (who read these forums but don't post) agree with us, impossible to prove though that is!
1. Agree layout of exam was much clearer and made much more sense ie last years budget then had to prepare this years, more relevant to real word.
2. I have been studying every day since mid October not just doing past papers have read text book and made notes etc and felt confident i knew enough to pass.
3. had been doing past papers in around 2.30 hours and getting full marks
4. However, i think i have failed section 1 due to insufficent time to understand the new format and to adsorb all the information given, so i paniced when i though i was not going to finish in time and went into meltdown, which may have caused me to miss vital points and not do tasks to the best of my ability.
my only negative comment was on the time allowed not the content or context of the exam.0 -
The layout was clearer (point 1), but it put you off (point 4)?
I've obviously misunderstood you at some stage! Sorry, squire...0 -
Well I think it is a breach of human rights for them to prevent you failing which is just wrong.0
I think it's stretching it a bit too far blaming the AAT for (a) breaching your human rights to pass an exam and (b) the fact that the exam hall is too cold.
Some of the posts this time around about the exams are, in my honest opinion, just unbelievable and some students on here need to come down to earth and realise that (a) the examiner cannot set the same (or previous) paper as last sitting (unless you're doing DFS of course) and (b) sets exams that are within the parameters of the syllabus. If YOU haven't studied that part of the syllabus or YOUR tuition provider has not provided you with the tuition that you need to get through this exam - how is that the AAT's/examiners fault?
There are students on the accountancystudents forum that have sat an advanced tax paper last week and some of them are distraught by it, but I have yet to see a post blaming the ACCA or the P6 examiner.
I am sure you will all be fine, but remember if this is the worst you come across in life - you'll be very very lucky.
Best wishes
Steve0 -
very good post!
I would like to add that alot of people are complaining about the time constraint, which is nonsense as everyone had the same time limits!
The only case i'll listen to from people who feel they didn't have enough time is those who don't speak english as their first language.
To me there seems to be alot of complaints but only around 10 people complaining!0 -
It seems great that a lot of people claim that they have managed to complete the exam within an hour but some of us required more time. I am not complaining about the content of the exam as I thought it was ok and I must admit that the layout was better. My problem being that section 1 took me 2.5 hrs to complete with full working leaving me only 45 mins for section 2. The 45 mins only gave me time for putting in the answers without the workings. If my answers are wrong because i carried the same error forward, the examiner will not know that because there are no workings. I studied hard for that exam and I felt pretty confident that I knew the answeres. Changing to that layout without prior warning was wrong and also the fact that some tutors passsed this information on to students whereas other tutors had no knowledge of this was unfair. The exams are meant to test our knowledge not how fast we can do the questions. I've been in accountancy for 7 years and I am more than qualified by experience. The exams are there just to show that you can do what the AAT want. This course is an NVQ meaning that all the experience is on the Job. At the end of the day, we are not university students.0
PCR exam
I found the ECR exam not to bad, but it was a little confusing because of the new layout,
I am allowed extra time, (an hour) and used it wisely, I feel sorry for those who only had the 3 hours, it was not enough.
I was doing the previous papers in about 2 hours, and have never needed to use extra time, in any of my previous exams!
I'm just going to be stressing now to see if I've passed or not!
Bring on February 18th!0 -
I think the exam wasnt bad it was the time available, i was so upset i rushed the whole paper ! today i have emailed the aat complaining i agree it was a 4 hour exam ! ! ! Im not looking forward to re-taking this exam ! ! !0
Hi Everyone.
I have to admit that I did not take any exams this sitting as I am already qualified, but I can sympathise with you that when the AAT chance the exam layout this can be disruptive. I had the same problem when I sat my MAC exam. However, what you need to consider is they the AAT need to text your knowledge and understanding and they are going to try to find different ways to do this for every sitting. I know in the past earlier exams were very similar to each other, but recently the AAT have tried to change the format as almost every sitting.
Now hopefully you have all passed, but just in case you haven't, why not spend some time asking your tutors how many ways they think the AAT could test an area and have them go through it with you. It's worth a try.
Good luck to you all.
Speegs:thumbup1:0 -
PCR Exam
I did sit the exam on Thursday and was pleasantly suprised by the new layout. Although I initially thought "help!", I then set about answering each question one by one and found it was very methodical and logical. However, even though I could answer every question, I worked flat out and just managed to finish with 3 lines and 3 minutes to spare! This was without 15 minutes reading time, which had I used for that purpose, I would undoubtedly not have finished the whole paper. 95% of the exam hall were also still in their seats at the end of the exam. I went to the AAT revision classes and we were all told that the paper for those competant students, should take about 2/3rds of the available time. With the new format, although better, was much more time consuming and there certainly wasn't any extra time for checking calculations or revisiting any questions. I don't 'blame' the new assessor who wrote the paper, but surely it should have been worked through by someone other than the writer before being sanctioned? :confused1:0 -
Complaining about exams is a bit of a joke, (IMO)!!
They are testing you on the syllabus, and they did it well, it's not easy being an accountant, so neither should the exams.
just my opinion though.0 -
Nobody is saying the exam was too difficult, we are complaining about the time allowed to complete. We are being tested for our knowledge, not speed. The exam should have had less questions or more time allocated i.e. 4 hrs.0 -
Time pressureWe are being tested for our knowledge, not speed.
Every exam tests knowledge - otherwise what is the point. You will find that a lot of exams will also put people under time pressure - Chartered exams, you will find, are time pressured. You will find this good practice for when you move onto further study after the AAT.
It has been a couple of years since I sat my AAT exams. However, I always thought the time was VERY over generous, they must have decided to change them.0 -
Hi All,
I didn't take any exams this time round because I am already qualified but I remember the feeling well :crying:. We had two types of tutors those who just taught us what was needed to pass the exam and those who used other material different books, practice exam paper for different test bodies etc and at first it was like "do we care what other books and bodies are using? we are studying AAT!" but when it came to exam time each and every exam was layed out differently, worded differently or included something we had not been shown and the exam we all felt at ease with were the ones where the tutors had over prepared us for and not just taught us for pass exams (All though luckily managed to pass them too).
I think you may all be surprised when results time comes along, after all the exam papers are not just marked on right or wrong, it includes layout, working and all types of possitive marking because the AAT don't actively want you to fail.
Good Luck All x0 -
I thought these forums would be useful to get other peoples opinions coz ive heard people talk so much about them in college, but all its done is made me worry about my results. :confused1::thumbdown: i thought the new layout helped even if at first a bit of panic went through me but after reading everyones complaints it makes me feel like ive done something totally wrong or misread the whole thing. :confused1:
it just makes the exam results in february seem even further away0 -
Just to add my thoughts. The timings against each question at 1st glance were helpful then when actually doing the exam where a tricky question came up in section 1 where I think the recommended time was 15 minutes and it took me 1/2 hour then knocked my confidence and I started to panic about getting done on time. I agree it is to test your knowledge but I had revised and revised but didn't revise doing each question under a specific time frame. Not fair!:confused1:0 -
Hi Dodo
I am curious to know how you managed to get your extra hour time allowance. Obviously you do not have to say what your limitations or disabilities are, but I am curious to know. I am now qualified so it doesn't really apply to me, but other students may want to know if they can apply for extra time.
I have a brain dissorder called Benigm Essential Tremour that makes my hands shake uncontrollably all the time making it difficult to write anything legibly. Even with a Dr's letter confirming my disease and explaining that it would take me longer to write answers, I was not allowed extra time. My hands shake so badly that I used an electronic notetaker in class, but in an exam this would have to disruptive for others sitting the paper.
What was really annoying for me was the fact that we had a deaf person in our class who sat his exams in the 3 hours allowed, but he was always placed in a room with just him and an invigulator. I once try to ask if instead of having extra time, could I use my notetaker in the same room as the deaf lad as it would not disburb him as he was deaf, and they even sad no to that.
Speegs0 -
Hi Hellsbells 208.
Although I did not take the exam, please tell me why you think you have done so badly?
I have a reason for asking and that is, if you found the paper easy where others found it harder, it could just be that you are able to process information more easily than others even when it is given in a different format.
I have sat many exams where I was convinced I had failed and then it turned out I had passed. I even cried in my MAC exam, because the format was different and I thought I just couldn't answer the questions, but amazingly I still passed.
So honestly try not to worry but PM me if you fancy a chat so that we can try to relieve your worry a bit.
Speegs0 -
exam was not hard but very confusing i think for those who are bad at examns and let nerves get the better of them they will fail. I totally messed up as ai panicked and thought everything was different.
I see what everyone is saying but i do think its too much of a drastic change from one year to the other.0 -
Hi Dodo
I am curious to know how you managed to get your extra hour time allowance. Obviously you do not have to say what your limitations or disabilities are, but I am curious to know. I am now qualified so it doesn't really apply to me, but other students may want to know if they can apply for extra time.
I have a brain dissorder called Benigm Essential Tremour that makes my hands shake uncontrollably all the time making it difficult to write anything legibly. Even with a Dr's letter confirming my disease and explaining that it would take me longer to write answers, I was not allowed extra time. My hands shake so badly that I used an electronic notetaker in class, but in an exam this would have to disruptive for others sitting the paper.
What was really annoying for me was the fact that we had a deaf person in our class who sat his exams in the 3 hours allowed, but he was always placed in a room with just him and an invigulator. I once try to ask if instead of having extra time, could I use my notetaker in the same room as the deaf lad as it would not disburb him as he was deaf, and they even sad no to that.
Thats awful i would have companied to the AAT about that... i think you should have been allowed time.0 -
i think just reading other peoples opinions is making me panic even more, possibly reading all these things is the worst thing i could have done, just gotta keep my fingers crossed. :001_unsure:
i know i put the work in so no-one can say i didnt try my best. i just wish they could mark them faster and get the results out quicker0 -
Personally i thought the PCR exam had not changed at all.
They had simply asked the questions in a much neater way that was very methodical and logical.
Every question followed onto the next one so referencing up was easy.
The amount of words made many people panic but the question was still the same for example Task 1.1 calculate the variable costs for the previous year. Same as every other exam paper!
Personally, I thought section 2 was lacking in content and they could of tested our knowledge by flexing the budget onto absorption costing basis instead of a straight copy.
The three hours was sufficient to pass the exam if you has stopped and used the 15 MINutes reading time. I was the last person in my class to start the exam and used the full 15 minutes to understand what I had to do.
Chris0 -
Hi Dodo
I am curious to know how you managed to get your extra hour time allowance. Obviously you do not have to say what your limitations or disabilities are, but I am curious to know. I am now qualified so it doesn't really apply to me, but other students may want to know if they can apply for extra time.
I have a brain dissorder called Benigm Essential Tremour that makes my hands shake uncontrollably all the time making it difficult to write anything legibly. Even with a Dr's letter confirming my disease and explaining that it would take me longer to write answers, I was not allowed extra time. My hands shake so badly that I used an electronic notetaker in class, but in an exam this would have to disruptive for others sitting the paper.
What was really annoying for me was the fact that we had a deaf person in our class who sat his exams in the 3 hours allowed, but he was always placed in a room with just him and an invigulator. I once try to ask if instead of having extra time, could I use my notetaker in the same room as the deaf lad as it would not disburb him as he was deaf, and they even sad no to that.
For anyone ina similar position:
You need to notify centre and AAT ASAP. Check out this informaiton for guidance:
"..'Reasonable adjustments' is the term we use for any special arrangement that is needed to enable disabled or temporarily incapacitated candidates to do their best in an assessment. Examples of reasonable adjustments are:
- Extra time for a dyslexic candidate
- Rest breaks for a candidate with a spinal injury
- A scribe (someone to write) for a candidate with a broken wrist..
..The key policy change for students and Approved Assessment Centres is that, in most cases, and up to a certain level (see permissions table in the document) the decision on granting reasonable adjustments, and the responsibility for collection and storage of the supporting evidence, passes from AAT to the centres. This key policy change gives the following advantages, amongst others:
- Centres are much better acquainted with their students and their needs than we are.
- Later applications for reasonable adjustments will be possible because a layer of administration is removed in most typical cases.
Students with permanent conditions who have reasonable adjustments already in place will continue to receive their agreed adjustments.."
Also look here:
Especially look at section 10.1 of this document.
I would also suggest you make a formal complaint to the centre where you sat the exam. I would think this would be regarded as discrimination and they must not be allowed to do it again. Please do complain, without it, someone else will, without doubt, be put in the same position in the future. If you sat at a college, speak to student services as a matter of urgency and also speak to your course tutor - make it formal and take a witness with you and make notes of everything that is said. Anything you can provide as evidence wil help should you wish to appeal.
Good luck.0 -
Who does this “Guru” guy think he is? What kind of Guru is he anyway? I did not like his reply to Tracie I thought it was very sarcastic and to call her “Squire” when she is a women baffles me completely.
He mentions that if people do not agree with his views then don’t read them, then why doesn’t he take a leaf out of his own book and not read the complaints!.
He has no right trying to tell people that they can not complain, exam time is very stressful and everyone has their own ways of dealing with it so if people want to complain let them!.
Obviously this “Guru” reads every AAT book from cover to cover because more than likely he has nothing better to do!
He also mentions that it is his first time to visit the Forum and will not return if people keep whining. Well I believe this forum would be better off without postings like that for after all people should try and help by offering advice to one another and not having a go at people who have not necessarily been as successful.
I’m am so glad I do not work with this “Know it all”!0
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