What will you do after AAT?

tattookitten Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐
I'm in my final year at AAT and my bf keeps asking me what I'm going to do next. I have no idea, but I guess the next step would be to specialise.

So what does everyone else plan on doing, what are the options? I've heard of ACCA, but i've got no idea what it is and my friend said i needed to decided if I want to go into finance or something else. I'm utterly confused!

So what are my options??? What are you guys going to do??

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  • ^Joe
    ^Joe Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    ICAEW, ACCA, ACA, CIMA, CIPFA ICAS. Are a few options.

    ICAEW for me I think, I work in practice.
  • ambitious
    ambitious Banned User Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    Find a PERMANENT job. After qualification I will not study further until I find a permanent job. I will not pay for further study out my own pocket. Employers can only get so much so I expect a return on the validity of the AAT and it's recognition. Reading a lot of the job profile in the AAT magazines and other literature just seems out of touch with me as I'm close to the dole and jobcentre everyday than the job security a lot of you enjoy.
  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    I am studying for ATT, then I begin an ACA training contract.

    What is this myth that ACA is practice only? For your actual training yes, but on completion many ACA's move into industry.

    ICAEW members outperform the other institutes in every major industry.

  • jilbo
    jilbo Registered Posts: 197 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    ATT for me too. It's all down to the individual, I looked at ACCA but some of the modules aren't for me. As soon as I learnt about ATT I knew that was for me as I so enjoyed the 2 tax options in AAT. Sad aren't I?
  • Shadow
    Shadow Registered Posts: 24 New contributor 🐸
    lol dats not sad, u should be proud of yourself! x
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    well im hoping to do either aca or acca !!!

    then the money will flow it !!!:lol::lol::lol:
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    Don't you believe it!
  • Dean
    Dean Registered Posts: 646 Epic contributor 🐘
    Sonny_L wrote: Β»

    ICAEW members outperform the other institutes in every major industry.

    Sorry, you said something about a myth?!
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    Don't you believe it!

    i was taking the mick !!

    i can hope thou ?
  • ambitious
    ambitious Banned User Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    Find a PERMANENT job. After qualification I will not study further until I find a permanent job. I will not pay for further study out my own pocket. Employers can only get so much so I expect a return on the validity of the AAT and it's recognition. Reading a lot of the job profile in the AAT magazines and other literature just seems out of touch with me as I'm close to the dole and jobcentre everyday than the job security a lot of you enjoy.

    I'll have to change it to study ACCA now as I just got a permanent job today with the NHS. Merry Christmas everyone.
  • Pencil
    Pencil Registered Posts: 97 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hey Well Done Ambitious

    Congrats on the new job, what a great Christmas present!
  • ambitious
    ambitious Banned User Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanks Pencil. I've temped for 5 years and thought I would never get anything but just kept going and going. I'm still shocked by it and cannot wait to start the job in the new year. Wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Dean wrote: Β»
    Sorry, you said something about a myth?!

    I'm always reading on forums that the ACA qual. is suitable only for those who wish to spend their entire careers in the profession. This isn't the case. It is a very versatile qualification.
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    well after the final exam.............getting the biggest rat arsed party ever barrrrrr none...

    then booking my place in liverpool 09 to get my certificate..
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    Sonny_L wrote: Β»
    I'm always reading on forums that the ACA qual. is suitable only for those who wish to spend their entire careers in the profession. This isn't the case. It is a very versatile qualification.

    From what I've heard ACCA is more versatile and easier to move between practice/industry. ACCA and ACA are supposed to be equivalents but I think ACA has a reputation for being a bit more prestigious.
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor 🐘

    why do you need to do something after the AAT? Cannot stay as you are?

    I wondering why everybody are studying afterwards ACCA,CIMA, etc to be chartered, why bother with the AAT so?:glare:
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    It depends what you want to do I suppose, and whether you want to be a qualified accounting technician or a qualified accountant. And doing AAT gives you exemptions from some of the exams if you decide to go on to the next stage.
  • Paul24
    Paul24 Registered Posts: 578 Epic contributor 🐘
    Londina wrote: Β»
    why do you need to do something after the AAT? Cannot stay as you are?

    I wondering why everybody are studying afterwards ACCA,CIMA, etc to be chartered, why bother with the AAT so?:glare:

    Personally, I am studying CIMA because I want to build on the qualification I gained with AAT, and progress further in my career. Im not saying AAT doesnt give you a good grounding, it is a stand alone qualification, but pursuing a professional qualification certainly opens more doors.

  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    what ever my boss wants me to do ?

    cima cipfa acca etc etc

    sounds like an eye chart !
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor 🐘
    Gem7321 wrote: Β»
    It depends what you want to do I suppose, and whether you want to be a qualified accounting technician or a qualified accountant.

    why, I cant call myself a qualified accountant by just doing the AAT?

    AATs are not qualified accountant? what are they otherwise?:confused1:

    sorry all this question, but I need to understand in UK how accountants are defined.
  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Gem7321 wrote: Β»
    From what I've heard ACCA is more versatile and easier to move between practice/industry. ACCA and ACA are supposed to be equivalents but I think ACA has a reputation for being a bit more prestigious.

    My original point was to debunk this myth.

    In the link in my first post it shows the average salaries of all the qualifications in a range of industries from Agriculture to Banking.

    ACA's perform the best in every single one, not just practice.

    Not trying to start a vs thread here, they're all good. But time and time again I read:

    "only go for ACA if you want to stay in practice"

    It's bollocks. It gives people the wrong idea and they may dismiss a top notch qualification because of it.
  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Londina wrote: Β»
    why do you need to do something after the AAT? Cannot stay as you are?

    I wondering why everybody are studying afterwards ACCA,CIMA, etc to be chartered, why bother with the AAT so?:glare:

    While the AAT stands as a qualification in it's own right. It's not a particularly good one.

    It is a decent entry for the chartered qualifications though. But if I could go back in time I'd have gone the university route without a shadow of a doubt.
  • mark057
    mark057 Registered Posts: 354 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with Sonny L.

    One of my ex managers was a graduate and an AAT and CIMA member.

    He found the AAT invaluable in helping him get through certain aspects of CIMA because of the excellent grounding it provided in accountancy.

    The AAT is an excellent qualification to achieve and is certainly sort after in the employment market, particularly when just starting out in accountancy.

    I feel there is too much prejudice against NVQ qualifications and they should be held in higher esteem.

    I know I have worked bloody hard to nearly achieve this qualification as have many students who post on this website and don't appreciate derogatory and unfounded comments made about the quality of the AAT qualification.

  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    It does give you a good grounding in accountancy, that's for sure.

    I'm not sure AAT is particularly sought after by large firms with respect to ACA training contracts. Most of them do not even mention it on their websites. Strictly grads only. It's infuriating.

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