whoop whoop PCR done



  • misterman
    misterman Registered Posts: 8 New contributor 🐸
    TASKEY you're right! OK folks I (misterman) was wrong and Taskey was right.
    Warhousing costs should be in there. Oh **********!

    Hope the rest was okay though, nothing to do but wait for ten weeks
  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Wolfe, I got a lose too.
  • liz72
    liz72 Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    PCR - Section 1

    Task 1.3 (I think?) - I put in the memo about implications of bringing the Symon sales/distribution work back in-house :

    - problems with demotivation of sales team staff (after all the data said that they would operate on 10 staff opposed to 15 and they'd have lost their commission work when it was outsourced)
    - problems with re-establishing a client-base
    - knock on effects on in-house warehousing (building up stock etc)

    Was any of that relevant or did I just get the wrong end of the stick?

    I really disliked this exam - far too much detail to wade through and calculations to make in Section 1 (easy to get lost in the process). In the real world we'd be using spreadsheets so we can concentrate on the organising the budgetting . Section 2 was ok.
  • Andrewh26
    Andrewh26 Registered Posts: 69 Regular contributor ⭐
    I did PCR in December, and in some ways it reminded me of today's PCR. In December, section 1 was a big complicated ambiguous mess, just like section 1 of today's exam. I remember feeling I'd failed that then, actually in December I passed section 1 to my surprised, but failed section 2. This time I made sure I knew everything for section 2, and luckily it was easy anyway. I'm sure I passed that, and with recalling how I felt so muddled after section 1 last time, I have hope that I passed it again this time around. I can't remember figures so well, but I think the profit in the first part of section 1 was about 1.8 million, but I got a loss of something like this for the next part of section 1, but I'm not worried, having completed the first part quite ok, (not perfectly) and I know I've got section 2, I'm very hopeful of passing this time. But be hopeful! if you got some of section 1 right, at least the first part, and most of section 2 right, like me, I reckon we'll be ok :)
  • hfadkins19
    hfadkins19 Registered Posts: 12 New contributor 🐸
    cs_1988 and hayley

    I got the same figures as you!!!! :thumbup:
  • kjg-kj
    kjg-kj Registered Posts: 68 Regular contributor ⭐
    I put that they may have trouble purchasing their materials because their supplier needed 4 months notice before the start of every quarter.
  • Lisa G
    Lisa G Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    I think on the whole we were very lucky today with the paper. It could have been a lot worse. I had PEV on Monday and DFS Yesterday and PCR today. My brain is frazzled. Pity we have to wait until Mid August for the results. I just hope i've passed them all otherwise going to college two nights a week his year has been for nothing. Now just got to get on with my Project :001_unsure: Good luck those taking PTC tomorrow. :001_smile:
  • tonitowle
    tonitowle Registered Posts: 32 Regular contributor ⭐
    I think i got task 1.3 completely wrong, i waffled on about lifecycles of products and how the product is in decline stage and so we could end up having unsaleable stock???

    O well its only a small part if i got it wrong
  • koda
    koda Registered Posts: 52 Regular contributor ⭐
    kjg-kj wrote: »
    I put that they may have trouble purchasing their materials because their supplier needed 4 months notice before the start of every quarter.
    I wrote about that too... I saw it in amongst all the other mess of words in the data given and figured I had to use it somewhere... lol!
  • Chris023
    Chris023 Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    kjg-kj wrote: »
    Yeah I did:
    less variable
    less the variable part of semi variable
    less fixed part of semi variable
    less fixed costs

    In the December 2007 paper there was a near indentical task. If you look at the exam answers. They put the full Semi-Variable costs in the Variable costs section.

    There is also a note saything that they can be shown the way you described.

    So I don't think people will loose marks either way
  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    koda wrote: »
    I wrote about that too... I saw it in amongst all the other mess of words in the data given and figured I had to use it somewhere... lol!

    snap, i also put that as all the prices have rose form last year and we ony made a small profit, continuin next year we will make a smaller profit as prices probably would rise again

    blah blah waffle flannel etc
  • wolfe
    wolfe Registered Posts: 121 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    all those who got losses ,wat did u guyz write in the report??
  • cs_1988
    cs_1988 Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    hfadkins19 wrote: »
    cs_1988 and hayley

    I got the same figures as you!!!! :thumbup:

    Nice Work!! Lets hope there right, or nearly right lol!
  • Helen123
    Helen123 Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    I hope so i noticed at the end that i had used the 20% for both of my clearance instead of 20% & 15% thought i had time to change it, went into panick and changed all my figures just in time, to find when I left the exam that i had then used 25% 100 - 15 in my head made 75 lol.......
  • kjg-kj
    kjg-kj Registered Posts: 68 Regular contributor ⭐
    Chris023 wrote: »
    In the December 2007 paper there was a near indentical task. If you look at the exam answers. They put the full Semi-Variable costs in the Variable costs section.

    There is also a note saything that they can be shown the way you described.

    So I don't think people will loose marks either way

    Great thanks for that!
  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Chris023 wrote: »
    In the December 2007 paper there was a near indentical task. If you look at the exam answers. They put the full Semi-Variable costs in the Variable costs section.

    There is also a note saything that they can be shown the way you described.

    So I don't think people will loose marks either way

    just dug that paper from the bin - tee hee, yes i agree it can be shown either way

    here's hoping.

    but does that affect your contribution amount then???
  • Chris023
    Chris023 Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    yep I guess it will affect the contribution
  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    wonder if that is why i have a different figure from others then? (contribution per unit figure)

  • Chris023
    Chris023 Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    yep I think it is likely..although the contribution should not differ massively, I think the examiners would mark either as correct
  • wolfe
    wolfe Registered Posts: 121 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    i just hope sandy comes out wid the answers so . or ill die of suspense. or maybe its better to not see the answers . 4get abt 2day move on
  • Chris023
    Chris023 Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    grr I should be revising for PTC! :ohmy:
  • laurlou
    laurlou Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    when i left exam i heard people talking about some thing they 'apportioned' does anyone know what they may have been talking about???
  • po1988
    po1988 Registered Posts: 39 Regular contributor ⭐
    kjg-kj wrote: »
    Great thanks for that!
    the question did ask to spilt the fixed and varible part of the semi variables tho, so i presumed it needed spilting to get the correct contribution
  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Wolfe, I cant remember what I put for 1.3 now, but I waffled about prices on buying them in would raise with inflation or something. DEF not passed section 1!!! Happy with PEV though, so that's something I guess...
  • Helen123
    Helen123 Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    koda wrote: »
    I wrote about that too... I saw it in amongst all the other mess of words in the data given and figured I had to use it somewhere... lol!

    I aslo wrote that because of the decreasing sales and the fact that we were ordering 4 months in advance we may be left with stock that we would have to sell at clearance price, selling it for more than we actually paid for it etc etc
  • wolfe
    wolfe Registered Posts: 121 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    no idea laurlou
  • laurlou
    laurlou Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    phew lol
  • jody m
    jody m Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    cs_1988 wrote: »
    Answers i got were.... (Not saying their right!!)

    281 040 - Original Plan Profit
    1111250 - Revised Plan
    579200 - Flexed Budget Budget

    I doubt many people will have the same answwers, there were so many places to make a small mistake!!

    Thats exactly what i got!!! :)
  • Andrewh26
    Andrewh26 Registered Posts: 69 Regular contributor ⭐
    for contribution per unit i got around 0.22 and 0.20, haha, must have divided the wrong way round or something, but it's a small thing to worry about, i'm pretty sure the rest of the flexed budget was right
  • Chris023
    Chris023 Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    lol I was struggling for things to say..

    I mentioned about having to re-astablish the client base, the extra sales staff you would have to take on, the increasing reduction in profits..if sales demand keeps falling and the fact that the shareholders would not be happy..seeing the profits nosedive the following year!

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