Sooooo excited



  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    Paul24 wrote: ยป

  • blobbyh
    blobbyh Registered Posts: 2,415 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    I can either do all of those things myself or afford to pay someone to do them for me...

    Thankfully I haven't yet reached the stage where I have to pay someone for their companionship...
  • Baggybooks
    Baggybooks Registered Posts: 522 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Umm. I don't want companions to do that for me. I have other plans for their time...
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    Such as changing the batteries for you when they go flat?
  • Baggybooks
    Baggybooks Registered Posts: 522 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Nah. I can manage that myself.
  • Shar-ley
    Shar-ley Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor โญ
    I went to watch transforms last night its mint!!! If you haven't seen it you should go watch! :thumbup:
  • Buff
    Buff Registered Posts: 275 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Yes yes and yes :-)


    Damn that's almost as hot as


    Which in turn is about as hot as


    But this guys beats them all hands down


    ** Insert Joe from Family Guy ** YYEEEAAAAHH.... YEEAAAHHH!!!
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    CJC wrote: ยป
    Such as changing the batteries for you when they go flat?

    i wondered for a minute what the hell you were talking about then ??:tongue_smilie:
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    Hey that's what I look like!


    Nearly 8 months pregnant...
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    Hey that's what I look like!


    Nearly 8 months pregnant...

    you wish !:crying:
  • Chris023
    Chris023 Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor โญ
    I saw transformers On Saturday

    It is good but far too long

    it is like 2 hours 50 mins long!

    I start to fidget after 2 hours 15
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    Hey that's what I look like!
    Nahhhhh, you're way cuter than her.
  • Bookworm55
    Bookworm55 Registered Posts: 479 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Seen the film now.

    It was pretty good. It got better after the first half-hour or so, and dragged towards the end, but I kind of liked it.

    I maintain my "meh" opinion of Megan Fox's alleged hotness though.

    Sideswipe and Jetfire were cool though, but Mudflap and Skids were just silly and irritating.
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Hey that's what I look like!


    Nearly 8 months pregnant...

    Err what exactly are you giving birth to? Gallstones?!:laugh:

    If we were to crop the picture, you might get away with saying that!:wink:
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    AdamR wrote: ยป
    Err what exactly are you giving birth to? Gallstones?!:laugh:

    I wish!

    I've been advised by another expecting mum not to go see transformers, apparently the sound effects make baby very active and I don't want to be beaten up for nearly 3 hours :crying:
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Puts a whole new take on Belly Dancing...

    I've not seen it; don't see what all the fuss is about. If my toaster wants to run amok in the town centre burning people's ankles, it's quite welcome to do so and I certainly don't require a motion-picture of its exploits!:001_tongue:

    Anyway, you can't beat a good book - who needs cinema?! Pah!
  • AdamR wrote: ยป
    Puts a whole new take on Belly Dancing...

    If my toaster wants to run amok in the town centre burning people's ankles, it's quite welcome to do so and I certainly don't require a motion-picture of its exploits!:001_tongue:

    I'm sure if this happened, injury lawyers would have a field day.

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