Returning student

Jez Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
Hi guys

Had an enforced break from my studies for a few years, but was close to finishing the Technician level.

I only have the following left:
  • Managing systems & people in accounting environment
  • Management of performance & enhancement of value
  • Planning & control of resources; and
  • Drafting financial statements

Being totally honest, I've forgotten a lot of what I was taught and so much has happened.

Does anyone know the best way of getting back on track and perhaps if there are 'refresher' type courses to help get back into the swing of things?

Really appreciate any help - quite apprehensive about it all!!! :blushing:


  • RAMS
    RAMS Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    Returning student

    Hire a private tutor
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Have you still got your notes from intermediate?

    If so I would go through your unit 5 and unit 6 notes carefully and it will all come flooding back!

    Unit 10 stands on its own so maybe that might be a good one to start with

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