Professional Clearance Templates

maplesarah Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
Hello there

I have been approached by a sole trader to take over from his existing accountants. I know the practice well and they are being very difficult and unpleasant about losing a client.

They have requested a professional clearance letter from me, which I am happy to do, but I want to ensure I cover everything I need to as I understand from other local accountants that they have a reputation for bullying small practices and will only give out information specifically requested (oh, what joy!).

To further complicate issues, the client may be disposing of his current business to start another, so there is the whole CGT issue to consider.

I have searched the MIP toolkit and also online for a Professional Clearance Template, but to no avail. Does anyone have a link to a good one that I could use?

Many thanks for your help!


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