Technician - exams

ChristineL Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
I am just about to start Level 4 (via Distance Learning) and my plan is to do all 3 exams for this Level in June (since I do not want to wait until December). Has anyone of you done all 3 papers in one week or would you recommend splitting them up?
Thank you for your advice!!


  • C2XVT
    C2XVT Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi Christine,

    Firstly, Welcome to the forum!

    A large number of people who study in Colleges sit 3 exams in the June period. So you certainly wouldn't be the only one to do this, and it's by no means impossible!

    Which 3 units are you intending to sit in June?
  • ChristineL
    ChristineL Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    Thank you :)

    I will have to do Unit 11 Drafting Financial Statements, Unit 22 Management Accounting and I will have to decide between Unit 18 Business Taxation and Unit 19 Personal Taxation
  • C2XVT
    C2XVT Registered Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    That sounds fine to be honest Christine!

    How are you finding the home studying at the moment? And where will you be sitting your exams?

    In June most of the college group will be sitting the same as you:

    Unit 11 Drafting Financial Statements
    Unit 22 Management Accounting
    Unit 18 Business Taxation / Unit 19 Personal Taxation

    With regards to deciding between which of the Tax's, I would recomend that you maybe consider what you hope to go onto after the AAT.

    ACA - If you do both Business Tax & Personal Tax, you are entitled to an extra exemption from a Knowledge Module, 'Principles of Taxation'.

    ACCA - It will not matter which optional unit you select. You are entitled to the same exemptions regardless.

    If I was going onto ACCA I think I would still select Business Tax. As this is revisited in ACCA's F6 Taxation module, so I would already have around 50% of the knowledge required.

    *I am not sure if either of the optional modules impact CIMA, it may be worth contacting them if this is a qualification you would like to go onto.
  • riabeck
    riabeck Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸

    I took all 5 exams in one week, in dec. Not found out If i have passed yet, but as I work in a chartered accountants, I do alot of it at work, only thing that was new to me was cost accounting and budgets but I think it was easy enough to follow,

    Good Luck
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