FRA - Pass rate?



  • smithy44
    smithy44 Registered Posts: 31 Regular contributor ⭐
    Miffy3QE wrote: »
    My VAT control acct was credit balance 6500......
    In DR side I had VAT payment to HMRC from Bank, and opening balance I think, and in CR side, I had the value off vehicle running costs, and the sales VAT figure.....this left £6500 credit balance I think, I HOPE!

    Thats what I had to but still couldn't get my TB to balance so but the diff in as suspense.
  • taylor30
    taylor30 Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
    I didn't add on the sale proceeds - I think I read it that they had that value but had not actually been sold so I took the lower value of cost and NRV!!! Got 114,000 profit so at least I know where I went wrong!
  • Jonno1
    Jonno1 Registered Posts: 63 Regular contributor ⭐
    I got somethingk like 396,914 for credits, but only 394,000 or nearabouts for debits, so I put a suspense acount in for £2,700. 30 mins after I finished exam, I realised I made a mistake with the prepayment of £1350 (3 months insurance at £450 per month), which must feed into the difference of £2,700. I put this prepayment in as a credit item, but should it be a debit item as a prepayment is an asset on the final balance sheet?

    Net profit figure of £115,000 sounds familiar.
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    Jonno1 wrote: »
    I got somethingk like 396,914 for credits, but only 394,000 or nearabouts for debits, so I put a suspense acount in for £2,700. 30 mins after I finished exam, I realised I made a mistake with the prepayment of £1350 (3 months insurance at £450 per month), which must feed into the difference of £2,700. I put this prepayment in as a credit item, but should it be a debit item as a prepayment is an asset on the final balance sheet?

    Net profit figure of £115,000 sounds familiar.

    please dont tell me that there was a balance sheet as well, because i have not seen it
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    basil wrote: »
    please dont tell me that there was a balance sheet as well, because i have not seen it

    OMG pls somebody
  • rehana
    rehana Registered Posts: 61 Regular contributor ⭐
    only P & L in section 2 ,no BS
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    basil wrote: »
    please dont tell me that there was a balance sheet as well, because i have not seen it
    rehana wrote: »
    only P & L in section 2 ,no BS

    many many thanx... i dont know how will i cope till august, i want to know the answers ASAP mean.gif
    I have started this course straight in Intermediate level, and havent got a clue about what is the exam pass rate
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐

    does anybody know what the exam pass rate is? 80% or 70%?

  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    FRA Paper Exam

    Sat my FRA Paper Exam Thursday Afternoon and after months of hard graft totally couldnt remember how to do the accruals and prepayment question on Part 1. and I am sure i didnt get everything right on section 2 - with the journals, feel like a bit of a dunce now!! lol. Just hope i scraped a pass.
    Hope Unit 6 is better in September.
    Does anyone know if we can resit a paper exam in December or will I have to do a Computer Exam. Cant say i am looking forward to doing a CBA.
  • linzip1703
    linzip1703 Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi anniebabe i have just sat both fra and ecr as the computer exam and found it a lot easier to work through than the paper test papers. From what we have been told the last exams that can be resat as paper are dec and i think jun 11. Then they all change to computer based exams.
    I have been also told that all exams for technician will be computer based.
    Hope you get the result you want
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thanks Linzip, hope ive passed FRA too. Wouldnt want to have to go through it all again.
    Think I am just stuck in the dark ages with the CBEs -especially seen as we havent done anything on them at college. Just have visions of screwing it all up.
    Thinking about changing to Kaplan - but it sounds a bit pricey - they have quoted me 550 just for unit 6 - which would only be 3 full days in college, then the simulation - 2 revision days and then the exam - all sounds a bit rushed. Dont know what everyone else thinks?
  • linzip1703
    linzip1703 Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    Im not sure on kaplan as ive always done evening study with a college twice a week.
    Have a look on here in you type in cba in the search bar there are some practice ones.
    I paid £525 last year for the intemediate and that covered everything.
  • katie2008
    katie2008 Registered Posts: 294 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I agree with the trial balance amount for section 1... but got a net profit of 82000....... Still I carried forward the figure so dont know where I went wrong! 1.4 was a killer question.
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    1.4 fra

    Was 1.4 the accruals and prepayments? cant remember, that was a killer. I struggled to get my head around it.
    And I know that i didnt do a question on section 2 right - one of the journals.
    Just hope i passed - really tried my hardest. and filled everything in.
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    anniebabe wrote: »
    Was 1.4 the accruals and prepayments? cant remember, that was a killer. I struggled to get my head around it.
    And I know that i didnt do a question on section 2 right - one of the journals.
    Just hope i passed - really tried my hardest. and filled everything in.

    do u think if we can still pass the exam, even thoug the TB was not balancing???

    I put the diff to suspense, then later realized it was the killer 1.4 question. i could really kicked my head off, I was so angry anim_43.gif
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Not sure how they mark the exam papers Basil, hope we pass, tried my hardest with this, suppose its not the end of the world if I have to resit. Just a bit of a pain. Fingers Crossed. I was under the impression that you have to get at least 70% on each section, so theres hope for us yet. :)
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    anniebabe wrote: »
    Not sure how they mark the exam papers Basil, hope we pass, tried my hardest with this, suppose its not the end of the world if I have to resit. Just a bit of a pain. Fingers Crossed. I was under the impression that you have to get at least 70% on each section, so theres hope for us yet. :)

    hope is my only friend nowadays, im so angry because i did all of the past exam papers and still...

    lets hope the best
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Ive stopped sweating about it - whats done is done, have to try and get on with things, August will come soon enough.
    I did all the past exams too - but its not quite the same as the real thing.
    I am sure that my foundation tutor told me that marking was on a percentage though.
    Try not to worry too much.
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanx for the support. Ive started this course straight at intermed. and doing it as distance learning. So i ve got nothing to compare to. Thanx again
  • nonmugglesue
    nonmugglesue Registered Posts: 39 Regular contributor ⭐
    Oh dear I got 116,700 or something like that for net profit. Looks like I may have missed something there!!

    Am going to stop stressing about it now and wait until 16th August. At the end of the day the worst thing that can happen is that I have to re-sit and let's face it nobody died it's not the end of the world.

    Hope everybody has a well deserved drink tonight.


    I got the same, I didn't think you did anything with the £1,000 as you have not yet sold the goods....oh well :)
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Just been having a horrid thought that i missed something in the second section of the exam - there wasnt a disposal was there? i cant for the life of me remember seeing one - and now ive read that it nearly always turns up in an exam - dont know why i am thinking about it - cant go back and change anything now.
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    anniebabe wrote: »
    Just been having a horrid thought that i missed something in the second section of the exam - there wasnt a disposal was there? i cant for the life of me remember seeing one - and now ive read that it nearly always turns up in an exam - dont know why i am thinking about it - cant go back and change anything now.

    i havent seen any disposalnervous-2.gif
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    See Basil youve got me at it now - am worrying lol
    Cant stop thinking about it all now!
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    anniebabe wrote: »
    See Basil youve got me at it now - am worrying lol
    Cant stop thinking about it all now!

    anniebabe, I dont care anymore if we failed we can do it better next time dont worry
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    question papers are on the system now

    they put on the system the june question papers thinking-006.GIF
  • emma123
    emma123 Registered Posts: 108 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Basil, please stop worrying about the exam. There's nothing more any of us can do now about it and don't look at the exam paper on the website. Put it out of your mind and enjoy the summer :)
  • basil
    basil Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    ok im off now :(
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