Budgeting CBA - 6 December 2010

robvarmint Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
I tried to take this today - what a farce! It was taking up to 30 seconds for figures input to appear on screen and the whole system froze after question 1.3 - no-one in the group could finish it!!! Anyone else have this problem?

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  • AuntieT
    AuntieT Registered Posts: 96 Regular contributor ⭐
    Mine's not till tomorrow but really not looking foraward to it after trying out the practise one!
  • emma89
    emma89 Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hey, yeah had the same problem our froze twice, luckily it let me finish mine but most of the class coouldn't. How did you find the actual paper?
  • EdYorke
    EdYorke Registered Posts: 12 New contributor 🐸
    It was a total mess. Major technical problems - the whole thing was the most stressful exam I've ever experienced!

    Luckily managed to finish it, but I have no faith that the exam was actually submitted!
  • HELLOU03
    HELLOU03 Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸

    Where will i find the practise CBA exams?

  • AuntieT
    AuntieT Registered Posts: 96 Regular contributor ⭐
    EdYorke wrote: »
    It was a total mess. Major technical problems - the whole thing was the most stressful exam I've ever experienced!

    Luckily managed to finish it, but I have no faith that the exam was actually submitted!

    Complete joke!

    All but one of class crashed after only 6 mins or so.

    We got re-set.

    as soon as you pressed the next question button from 1.3 to 1.4 almost everyone crashed again. This time including tutor - who only had time to freeze two or three people.

    Got given the whole sorry's etc and we tried to carry on - my paper had continued to count down as tutor hadn't had chance to freeze me.

    Re started after just over half hour, have to re-do 1.3 as hadn't saved, move to 1.4 - crash again!

    Did eventually finish paper at such high speed - I can't remember even what the questions were! Was just going on the, get something down for everything, concept!

    Bonus though we don't have to pay for re-sits!
    Re-sits not till after Xmas when I'd hoped to be starting the next course so not so good!

    Ho hum, as for actual content - sorry can't help as really can't remember, but certainly the first couple seemed more like the paper example assessment than the one on-line - thankfully - or at least it would be if it hadn't been such a mare!

    Still I can't help but laugh at it all!
  • robvarmint
    robvarmint Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    The parts of the paper that I managed were pretty straightforward - following the format of the practice paper on here and in the Osborne books very closely.

    I'm really angry about it - having experienced many HMRC IT screw ups over the years, this was very similar - poor planning, poor execution, utter denial.
  • EdYorke
    EdYorke Registered Posts: 12 New contributor 🐸
    I totally agree with Rob - it's just like when HMRC went live with their online submissions and their servers just couldn't cope with the traffic.

    AuntieT - it seems there is a pattern - everyone seemed to crash at the same point (after task 1.3).

    There were also a couple of people in my exam room that gave up and walked out without finishing.

    It's such a shame because the concept seemed like a very good idea and I was actually excited to think that I could do everything on the computer (especially the memo part as my handwriting is pretty poor and I'm faster at typing anyway) and also the idea that we could get a provisional pass/fail at the end of the exam. After what happened on Tuesday I really have no confidence that AAT even received my exam let alone with all my answers intact.

    Now it's just a case of waiting (as usual) for the results and I'm even more nervous about what might happen that I would be normally. And not due to any fault of my own either :-(
  • litasangel316
    litasangel316 Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    does anyone know if you get told if you have passed or failed straight away for cbas? or how long you have to wait for your results? thanks
  • robvarmint
    robvarmint Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Was due to take Financial Performance today... but couldn't due to the system being unable to cope. Unlikely to now take these exams until the New Year. That's two days off work for diddly squat. Ridiculous.
  • linzip1703
    linzip1703 Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    I have just taken my budgeting cba and the whole class couldnt do 1.3 kept crashing then crashed after 1.4. Each time had to log back on and then re enter answers as it didnt remeber them. The whole class had the same problem. Our envigilators are going to be putting a complaint in, so will have to see what happens.
    Just proves this new system quite obviously doesnt work!!
  • sarahjq
    sarahjq Registered Posts: 8 New contributor 🐸
    Totally agree - same happened with us. Totally off putting and no indication of how we've done either. Fingers crossed they take the tech problems into account.
  • linzip1703
    linzip1703 Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    I would have thought they would have to as none of my class could enter all the answers for 1.3 and it was a big question. Reading on here it appears that everyone is having problems with the new cbt!!!!
  • sarahjq
    sarahjq Registered Posts: 8 New contributor 🐸
    In my exam there were only five of us and two of us had the issue - must've been terrible for the others who could continue while we were sitting there waiting etc. But for the two of us who couldn't continue we waited an hour and a half and logged back in I don't even know how many times, the others guys computer came back on but mine just froze everytime I tried to put in the GP, COP and Net Profit, in the end I left it blank finished the paper and came back to it at the end and it let me FINISH but wouldn't let me move on. I suppose they might make an exception for those who couldn't input answers but for those of us who did eventually manage to I doubt there's much they can do - I suppose they can't pass you if you have actually failed that would just make the qualification null really.
  • EdYorke
    EdYorke Registered Posts: 12 New contributor 🐸
    I agree with Sarah,

    Despite the technical problems, if someone has managed to finish the paper within the time and answered all the questions, but failed because too many answers are wrong then AAT can't really pass them because of technical issues. That wouldn't be right.

    I think those who were unable to complete the exam because of system faults, or even if people ran out of time, then they should be allowed to retake at no further cost.

    I would just say that for all those who managed to complete it and pass even with all the extra stress and frustration of technical failures - well bl%dy done! lol. I hope I pass so I don't have to go through it again!

    At the end of the day I hope we at least get a big fat apology from AAT!
  • Fireraiser
    Fireraiser Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    I'm really disappointed with the total lack of response from AAT about this. An acknowledgement that they've cocked up and a bit of contrition would go a long way at this stage. That should be quickly followed by some sign that they have some plans for fixing this shambles.
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    I am surprised you have not had a response.
    I saw a letter one of my students had received fro Patricia McDonagh which I thought was very apologetic. Considering that this student had not been able to take his exam yesterday and she had responded so quickly that he could show me her letter today, I think Patricia is to be commended.

    Do you think that your own comments may not have got through?
  • Fireraiser
    Fireraiser Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    SandyHood wrote: »
    I am surprised you have not had a response.
    I saw a letter one of my students had received fro Patricia McDonagh which I thought was very apologetic. Considering that this student had not been able to take his exam yesterday and she had responded so quickly that he could show me her letter today, I think Patricia is to be commended.

    Do you think that your own comments may not have got through?

    That is reassuring. I am glad the message has got through. I'm sorry I don't think I was clear enough in my post. I will be sitting my first real CBA tomorrow, but the rumours are that all CBAs will be cancelled tomorrow as they have, apparently, been today. I was hoping for a public announcement from AAT concerning what seems to be a very unsatisfactory situation.

    I hope I'm panicking about nothing :)
  • robvarmint
    robvarmint Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Sandy - I sent a very polite email last week (toned down 1000% from the diatribe I originally intended to send) before posting on here. I have not received the courtesy of a response to that email, which is, frankly, inexcusable, unprofessional and insulting.

    Today I have received by email, a "CBA Update" as follows:

    "Dear AAT student member

    Computer based assessments – 25 November to 14 December 2010

    I would like to apologise to all of you who have experienced problems when taking your computer based assessments over the past couple of weeks and to take this opportunity to explain to you why this happened, and what we are doing about it.

    Why the problems occured

    At the end of November, we encountered an unforeseen problem whereby results held locally at centres were not synchronised with a central server. This meant that when the system attempted to upload results, a blockage occurred. As many students were attempting to take their CBAs, a failure in the system occurred.

    As soon as we were informed of this problem, AAT promptly acted to identify the problem and find a solution for both you and your training provider.

    Your training provider

    On 2 December, and again on 7 December, all training providers were sent a message to apologise for the disruption caused by these technical issues and advise them of some measures they could take to minimise these disruptions to students.

    We also advised them that we had requested a comprehensive upgrading and reconfiguring our servers to reduce the risks of any further problems. Because this has to be done by a third party it was not possible to arrange this for any earlier than overnight on Thursday 16 December. We shall be closely monitoring all CBA activity on Friday 17 December to ensure that everything is working as it should be.

    I would like to assure you that your training provider is not to blame for any of the technical problems, delays in taking your assessment or re-scheduling of assessments. Like you, they have been frustrated by the added stress caused by these difficulties and have been doing all they can to minimise the disruptions to you.

    Level 4 computer based assessments

    We know that a number of you taking computer based assessments at Level 4 have experienced major problems with disconnections and ’losing’ text. All of these instances have been reported to us and we will manually check each one of those assessments to see if any work has been lost. We will contact individuals concerned, and your training providers, in January 2011 to confirm your result.

    Why were there no paper based assessments?

    A number of you have asked us why we did not have a paper based contingency plan in place. The flexibility of the computer based system means that the contingency to rearrange assessments at short notice can be done relatively quickly and at anytime throughout the year.

    While a computer based test can be arranged within days, it takes many months to organise a paper-sitting. Nevertheless, in view of the recent experience, we are reviewing our contingency arrangements.

    What next?

    Despite any disruption, all of you who have taken computer based assessments at levels 2 and 3 will have been advised of your result at the end of your assessment. This result will be uploaded to your MyAAT account. There might be some delay in doing this due to the backlog of results, but please be assured that we are working to do this as quickly as we can.

    Whatever level you are at, if we find from the centre reports that your performance was affected by any technical problems during your assessment, we will ensure that you are not penalised because of these difficulties. Either your result will be adjusted or we will issue a credit for your assessment fee.

    Contacting AAT

    Finally, I would like to apologise to all of you who have not been successful in getting through to us on the telephone or are still waiting to have your email answered. I can assure you that we are doing all we can to respond to everyone as quickly as possible. The unprecedented volume of calls and emails over the past few weeks, coupled with the need to sort out the technical problems themselves, has put a severe strain on our resources.

    Please be assured that we are working hard to restore your confidence in AAT and our computer based assessments.

    Yours faithfully

    Patricia M McDonagh
    Head of Education and Training Operations and Partnerships"

    There are parts of this update which I know will be disputed by training providers. Personally, I have little faith in the CBA system - I feel that the questions are poorly structured and not a proper test of student's abilities.

    The whole episode is shambolic, I believe I am entitled to expect better from "the UK's leading qualification and membership body for accounting staff".
  • Fireraiser
    Fireraiser Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    If this had been emailed to all student members or posted on the AAT's webpage and/or Facebook page, then I wouldn't have posted my earlier comment - this is the first time I've seen this. Thank you for posting it, robvarmint.

    Based on the paper practice assessments and the one online practice assessment that has been made available to us for PTX, I totally agree with you about the questions. It is predominately a box ticking exercise which tests our memory rather than our understanding. I hope the real thing will be a truer test, although I cannot see how an online assessment can be.
  • Paisley
    Paisley Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    I also received the same email today.
  • smithy44
    smithy44 Registered Posts: 31 Regular contributor ⭐
    Cba -budgeting

    what is going on AAT???? Was suppose to sit my CBA Budgeting tonight all geared up to go, then received an email to say cancelled due to techincal problems!!!!!!!!!! Will have to be rescheduled for January. Don't think this is fare on students - i am sure there is people like me who have studied hard and been looking forward to getting the exam out the way to relax over Christmas. Surely this shouldn't have happened?????
  • Fireraiser
    Fireraiser Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
    Fireraiser wrote: »
    If this had been emailed to all student members or posted on the AAT's webpage and/or Facebook page, then I wouldn't have posted my earlier comment - this is the first time I've seen this. Thank you for posting it, robvarmint.

    Based on the paper practice assessments and the one online practice assessment that has been made available to us for PTX, I totally agree with you about the questions. It is predominately a box ticking exercise which tests our memory rather than our understanding. I hope the real thing will be a truer test, although I cannot see how an online assessment can be.

    Statement on AAT Facebook page. Haven't checked website yet. All students have apparently been emailed (not received my email yet - maybe there are "technical issues). Thank you AAT.
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    Are you complaining because you are not being informed?
    Or because you know as much as you want, but haven't been contacted personally?

    You could address the student support at AAT or even Patricia McDonagh herself.
    I am sure you would receive a reply to yourself, but bear in mind that if you intend to use the AAT computer system then this will be shut down over Thursday night, and is unlikely to allow many normal computer based services for that time period.
  • Charlotteee
    Charlotteee Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    I took my budgeting on Wednesday and it was fine besides when i wanted to go to question 1.4 it wouldnt move screens and it was taking a while for figures to go in so i had to swap computers and it worked from then on.

    Got FNPF today so hoping that goes ok!!

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