Could I start & finish "old" Unit 10 before June?

moorfield Registered Posts: 9 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
Hi - I only need to do Unit 10 + MAC to complete my diploma level (under the old standards).

As I understand it I could get "old" MAC done in the last batch of exams

- but have I left it too late to start & finish Unit 10 in time now ?


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  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    I dont think you have but with the mac exam been so large i would make a start on it as soon as possible as you want to have it done before you do the revision stage of your exam :)
  • Lou1234
    Lou1234 Registered Posts: 210 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    I think it depends who you are studying with. There is enough time if you can get on with it and get it marked reasonably quickly.

    I am with Premier Training and they asked for all first drafts to be in by the end of December so as you can imagine they are a bit swamped at the moment!

    Give your college a call and check when their deadline is.
  • moorfield
    moorfield Registered Posts: 9 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    I am an independent / self studier - not signed up to any college or course.

    To date I've just booked the exams / sims as and when I've needed to and gone into
    my nearest BPP centre to do them.

    I might just do old MAC to get the exemption and then start 10 on the new standards
    over the summer - not sure if I can mix & match like that though.
  • lewpylew
    lewpylew Registered Posts: 216 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    I am in the same situation and have put off unit 10 for about 2 years. I have finally started it yesterday and am determined to get a large chunk of it done over the weekend. I have DFS to try and pass it 3rd time as I have swapped to QCF to get it done by CBA in March(fingers crossed) x
  • sarahjq
    sarahjq Registered Posts: 8 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    Hi, I can only talk about how I did it, but I completed the project on my actual job Because the things I wrote about were real life situation and not a simulation I found it very quick and the words came easily. I had it all finished within two weeks. Just got to put your mind to it. Follow the syllabus and the write it exactly as the aat want it laid out and you'll be finished in no time. The hardest bit is getting started.
    Just to clarify it was not the best piece of work I have ever written but it was passable which is all I cared about.
    Best of luck
  • katz568
    katz568 Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor โญ
    I did it on one of the simulations provided by the AAT and had it done in a weekend to be honest.
    I had a brilliant guide provided by our tutor detailing the lay out etc and had notes that I had made and once I had gotten started everything just flowed.
  • Lou1234
    Lou1234 Registered Posts: 210 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    I think you need to be with a provider for unit 10 but have a look on the forum as I know it has been discussed before.

    I agree that it is possible to get unit 10 done in a short amount of time but whoever marks the unit is bound to be really busy so that needs to be taken into account.

    Premier Training have had a huge number of projects in and they all need marking.
  • JaffasGirl
    JaffasGirl Registered Posts: 387 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Transition information


    Just thought I would let you know that if you dont manage to get the project done, but do get MAC done, then if you transferred to the new standards you would still only have the project to do, but if you dont do the exam you will have two to do under the new standards.

    Might be better (cheaper!) to concentrate on doing the exam and then doing the project under the new standards over the summer. Probably less stressful too!

    This is the transition information guide from BPP.
  • moorfield
    moorfield Registered Posts: 9 New contributor ๐Ÿธ

    Just thought I would let you know that if you dont manage to get the project done, but do get MAC done, then if you transferred to the new standards you would still only have the project to do, but if you dont do the exam you will have two to do under the new standards.

    Might be better (cheaper!) to concentrate on doing the exam and then doing the project under the new standards over the summer. Probably less stressful too!

    Thanks for sensible advice. Yes I think I'll take my time to get the final MAC done in June, and then transfer and start the project over the summer. Gives me plenty of time to start reading up on CIMA level 1, which I'm hoping to sit in June 2012 if AAT goes to plan.

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