Unit 10 Where do I access it online?

anitag Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
I want to view/download the online project scenario. I know my tutor has registered me just can't see any prompt on the website for me to find it. Can someone please tell me where i should be headed on the site to find it . Thanks


  • SusieQtips
    SusieQtips Registered Posts: 65 Regular contributor ⭐

    On the My AAT page, half way down on the right hand side 'Access new e portfolio', click on that and then scroll down to the bottom of this page and I think it says something like 'internal control..... click on that and it opens another page, scroll down and there are buttons 'download project....download mapping sheet etc. I can't remember exactly how it is but have a go at that, hope it helps.

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