Unit 10 - Methodology

keane155 Registered Posts: 404 Dedicated contributor 🦉

I am doing my project and was about to upload it tonight, but have realised that I have forgotten to do the methodology!!

Does anyone know what sort of thing needs to go in the methodology please? I did the case study and all of the things I keep reading about methodology goes on about research methods used and questionnaires and stuff.

Is it enough to just say that a SWOT analysis was done to analysis the system and the case study studied?? Research on websites about fraud was completed and a tutorial used. I've also read that I need to acknowledge people I've consulted, assuming my tutor?

Please can someone tell me if I have the right idea, just panicking a bit now lol.

Oh and I've done all of my mapping and if I need to put this on page 3 then it will totally mess my mapping up - can I stick it at the end?

Thank you.


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  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hi Emma,

    I would advise to check a book on it, but I'm quite sure that my methodology wasn't more than a few words on that the system was monitored over a period of time and a thank you to the tutor and manager.

    It should be quite straight forward and not too long.

    As for having to be chapter 3 or not, I'm not sure, I had it there, but I don't think it matters if it's at the end either, although a quick check with your tutor might be your best bet there!
  • Nikdoug
    Nikdoug Registered Posts: 69 Regular contributor ⭐
    3. Report Methodology
    3.1 The report has been prepared from the personal experiences of the report author as well as an extract of the Aged debtors at 31 May (Appendix 1) and a SWOT analysis (Appendix 2). An organisational chart has also been included (Appendix 4) for further back ground information.

    That was literally it for me. You haven't forgotten much tbh!

    I wouldn't mention your tutor as the report is meant to simulate something that would be produced in a real life scenario. We won't always have tutors.

  • keane155
    keane155 Registered Posts: 404 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thanks Rinske, I'll speak to my tutor tomorrow evening and check what she says about the content, I'm hoping to stick it in under my terms of reference, because I don't want to do all of the mapping again. I will be so glad to get this out of the way. I'll upload it tomorrow - I'm just dreading it though incase I've missed something - I suppose I can't put off doing it forwver though!!
  • keane155
    keane155 Registered Posts: 404 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Nikdoug wrote: »
    3. Report Methodology
    3.1 The report has been prepared from the personal experiences of the report author as well as an extract of the Aged debtors at 31 May (Appendix 1) and a SWOT analysis (Appendix 2). An organisational chart has also been included (Appendix 4) for further back ground information.

    That was literally it for me. You haven't forgotten much tbh!

    I wouldn't mention your tutor as the report is meant to simulate something that would be produced in a real life scenario. We won't always have tutors.


    That's very helpful to see what it should be like- thanks Nick. I suppose it's good that it doesn't have to be too long.
  • Miffy3QE
    Miffy3QE Registered Posts: 25 Regular contributor ⭐
    Mine said
    "Evidence gathered from the company diary revealed instances of non-compliance and negligence by employees and Directors. The diary was a version of events, recorded by the Accounts department, that have happened over the past six months. "
  • Nikdoug
    Nikdoug Registered Posts: 69 Regular contributor ⭐
    Miffy3QE wrote: »
    Mine said
    "Evidence gathered from the company diary revealed instances of non-compliance and negligence by employees and Directors. The diary was a version of events, recorded by the Accounts department, that have happened over the past six months. "

    Did you get the simulation - Diaries of Andrew Mole??
  • sdv
    sdv Registered Posts: 585 Epic contributor 🐘

    This page shows how you have planned and prepared the report, it is often called procedures.

    This should give an overview of the research methods you have used in producing the report.

    You may have designed and used a questionnaire for colleagues or clients.

    You may have monitored a system over a period of time.

    You may have used the internet or books (do not list them here do that in the appendices).

    Include any acknowledgements to people who have helped you in the preparation of the report.

    How have you gone about preparing for this report?

    This isn’t about listing how you intend to cover the performance criteria but will show how you planned and prepared for tackling the report’s topic.

    This might also include what research you conducted or reference to a list of sources in the appendices.

    I should start with saying that the project idea was agreed with your tutor

    use of internet for research

    use of this forum

    use of books

    regular meeting with your tutor

    and the above points
  • keane155
    keane155 Registered Posts: 404 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Excellent, thank you very much sdv. I've now written my methodology and should be finished on my project this morning hopefully!

    Thanks also to Miffy3QE.

    Emma :)

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