ICAS -Cost benefit analysis

Rosedragon Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
Hi, I am doing my ICAS on my workplace. I work for a large organisation in Accounts Payable. We use JDE but are migrating to SAP which goes live in May.

Being a large organisation controls are very good, so there is not much for me to recommend. Anything that needs improvement are already being dealt with during the change of systems.

The only improvement I can come up with is improved training involving the creation of a procedures manual that would be uploaded to the company intranet. This would save on printing costs of large amounts of manuals that need updating regularly.

I have written most of the report (3,515 words) but have the cost benefit analysis to write. And I haven't a clue what to write...

Please, please, any ideas?


  • kerrifletcher29
    kerrifletcher29 Registered Posts: 46 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi, I would look at the cost per hour for an employee to create and upload the training. Also the cost per hour for employees to use the training available.
    Maybe create a table for this information to go in and then a description of what the table shows.

    Hope that helps
  • keane155
    keane155 Registered Posts: 404 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    When i did my cost benefit analysis, I did a table which I put in the appendices and calculated costs/benefits of keeping the system as it is and the cost benefits of changing the system.

    For example, what are the costs of stationery to produce the manual, costs of staff time to create the manuals, cost of staff training etc. You will also need to look at non financial costs and benefits e.g. effect on staff morale, is there any effect on efficiency, motivation etc.

  • sdv
    sdv Registered Posts: 585 Epic contributor 🐘
    Rosedragon wrote: »

    The only improvement I can come up with is improved training involving the creation of a procedures manual that would be uploaded to the company intranet. This would save on printing costs of large amounts of manuals that need updating regularly.

    This ia a very good idea for cost benefit analysis. Just make sure that you have read, understood and covered the ICAS unit crieteria for cost benefit analysis

    For the old unit unit 10 you were required to show how the company has benefited in any one , or a combination or all of the following areas

    1 costs - monetory value
    2 time
    3 reliablity - of thwork system
    4 speed -efficiency

    I suspect tne new ICAS will be the same but please read the crieteria
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