Need a Job?

Yestin Registered Posts: 83 Regular contributor ⭐

The company I work for is recruiting a new finance assistant/Reception role and I was wondering if anyone was interested??

It's an advertising company based in Kings Cross, London.

Perfect for someone with a bit of Sage experience and looking to get their foot in the finance door.

You can email me your CV to


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  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    I can't believe that no-one has bitten your hand off for this - bearing in mind the amount of posts from student members about how hard it is to get a foot in the door in accounts !

    Have you had a decent response ?
  • Yestin
    Yestin Registered Posts: 83 Regular contributor ⭐
    I've had 2 and passed the CVs onto my FD.....I thought there would be loads too!!!
  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    I'd love to do this, but seen as how I am based in North Wales I think the commute is a bit excessive :D

    There are always loads of people posting on the AAT Facebook group about wanting to find work...

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