6 weeks and no result in yet !!!

ms sadat
ms sadat Registered Posts: 39 Regular contributor ⭐
Its so frustrating checking every minuts the website but tthe 6 week is over now and week 7 has started and i still havent got my result for DFS .i was wondering anyone els is waiting for the results from 15th of july ?

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  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    You must be tearing your hair out !

    I sat my DFS 4 weeks ago, but I had so many technical problems with the CBE freezing that I am pretty sure that I will get a not competent. The wait is just so frustrating !

    Which part of the site are you checking for your result ? I hear they often appear in the "my exam results" section before appearing in other areas ?

    If it is still not showing under "my exam results" the only thing I can suggest is to email assessment@aat.org.uk and ask why the results are not in yet ?

    Let us know how you get on.
  • jenny3549
    jenny3549 Registered Posts: 472 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Hi Both,

    I've got my FNST next week and was wondering how you found the CBA? I'm fine on the cashflows, consolidations etc but getting concerned about section 2. I can caculate the ratios but then struggle to say the right things about them - how was your section 2?

    Also, the IAS's - how did they feature, were they long questions - did you get asked for definitions etc?

    Any help would be appreciated - I'm feeling worried about this one!


  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    My section 2 questions were really nice actually ! I had two companies to compare and contrast. So it was just a case of saying "company A has a higher Gross profit margin than company B. Gross profit margin shows the difference between the buying and selling price of goods. As company A has a higher gross profit margin it would indicate that they buy goods at a lower price (i.e. their cost of sales is lower) , or sell them at a higher price or a combination of the two"

    The only advice I can give for section 2 is not just to learn the ratios but to learn exactly what it is they express.

    My other section 2 question asked me to define the qualitative characteristics as per the framework.

    I had IAS 40 for my extended writing task in section 1, and I totally messed it up :( I'm pretty sure I will be due a resit on this exam (I had a total nightmare with technical issues which just totally threw me and I lost about 30 minutes of time !)
  • jenny3549
    jenny3549 Registered Posts: 472 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thanks for the advice!

    Don't panic yet about needing a resit - you might have done better than you think. If it was only that one part of section one that you think you messed up then you should be fine. This is a wierdly weighted exam, with far more in section one than in section two but needing the 70% in both to pass. It follows then that if you're going to mess up a question it would be much better to do it in section one where it's worth less proportionally than a question in section two.

    Chin up - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

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