Backward Variances

anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
Does anyone know if backward variances will crop up in the exam - there is a bit about it in the text books - but we dont seem to have covered it in class.
Is there a new FNPF Guidance to check - only seem to be able to find one from April 2010.
Do the same things apply?
Many thanks

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  • adiba
    adiba Registered Posts: 53 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Anniebabe

    I had this CBA yesterday and backwards variances didn't come up althout they were in the Kaplan textbooks so I had gone over them just in case.
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Adiba
    Thanks for a reply - think I will make sure ive read about it just incase too, best to be safe than sorry.
    How was the CBE, I am only part way through this sylabus - was it very hard?
    I have heard mixed comments about this one - not really looking forward to it.
  • adiba
    adiba Registered Posts: 53 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Anniebabe

    It wasn't too bad actually, the layout and question styles were similar to the ones in the CBA's so as long as you have a go at them, I'm sure you'l be fine!

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