Power of Attorney

Dottie Registered Posts: 99 Regular contributor ⭐

I have a new client who has POA for his father who is ill and whose house is being rented out. The father was not previously in self assessment. Are there any special forms to complete in these circumstances to register for self assessment?

Many thanks



  • peaman
    peaman Registered Posts: 123 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Never come across this before, so I do not know if there are any special forms.

    But I know you can write to HMRC and give authority for someone else to act on your behalf. Assuming the father is well enough to sign a letter!

    Whether you can do this before the individual is registered for SA, I do not know.

    Maybe they can, and your client can complete the SA1 on his fathers behalf.

    I would phone the SA helpline and explain the situation, you never know, you may be lucky and get a member of staff that knows what they are doing!

    Good luck
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