Annual Accounts

aclark Registered Posts: 10 New contributor 🐸
Hi, at my work we like to keep an eye on our competition.

Currently I am trying to access accounts for Barbour ABI, problem being they are part of a group UBM.

Now UBM publish their accounts here but there is no reference to Barbour ABI.

Does anyone know where I can get info on them, or will it not be possible?

I posted this in another section, but this section looks more active, so sorry for double post, thanks.

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  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    You will have to pay a small fee to download their statutory accounts from companies house, or use a credit reporting agency.
  • aclark
    aclark Registered Posts: 10 New contributor 🐸
    Thanks for reply, I will get the accounts of UBM (UK) Ltd from Companies House, however I do not think they will show figures for Barbour ABI, I was wondering if there was any way to find their figures out.
  • CeeJaySix
    CeeJaySix Registered Posts: 645
    Just because they're part of a group doesn't exempt them from submitting accounts...are they a UK co (I can't see them on CoHo)?
  • Neillaw
    Neillaw Registered Posts: 309 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    If they have their own company number could you not download the accounts seperatly.
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Is the beta service going to remain free?
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Thanks @mrme89

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