QuickBooks for farmers?

Countrybumpkin Registered Posts: 52 Epic contributor 🐘
What does everyone think of QuickBooks and in your experience is it suitable for a farming business (mixed)? We are currently looking at ways to improve the business and our accountant suggested that we look at a software package such as QuickBooks, are there any other packages that we should also be looking at? TIA

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  • NickCraggs
    NickCraggs Registered, Tutor Posts: 62 Regular contributor ⭐
    I used to use Farmplan which was very good for farmers.
    Nick Craggs FMAAT AATQB ACA, AAT Branch Member and Distance Learning Director at First Intuition

  • penniebark
    penniebark Registered Posts: 2

    What does everyone think of QuickBooks and in your experience is it suitable for a farming business (mixed)? We are currently looking at ways to improve the business and our accountant suggested that we look at a software package such as QuickBooks, are there any other packages that we should also be looking at? TIA

    Farmplan is pretty expensive and has hefty annual suport charges but it depends on how in depth you want to go - you would need Farmplan Business Manager for the best effect - Farmplan Cash Manager is just a cash book programme and is very basic.

    I use Sum-It Total Accounts for some farming clients - very easy to use - contra's on your market invoices are a doddle, and I use VT Transaction + for others - again, contra's are easy on there - all done on one screen.

  • Countrybumpkin
    Countrybumpkin Registered Posts: 52 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thanks for your replies, we've ruled out farmplan because of the expense but I'll certainly look into sum-it and VT transactions. Why would you use one over the other for some of your clients *penniebark* or is it down to client preference?
  • Countrybumpkin
    Countrybumpkin Registered Posts: 52 Epic contributor 🐘
    Tag fail @penniebark
  • penniebark
    penniebark Registered Posts: 2
    Hi again, sorry for the delay in replying - a sure sign of a newbie making her first post!

    I inherited some clients on both systems, one using his own Sum-it and until I took the plunge and invested in Sum- it for myself, I'd put a few more onto VT. The benefits of Sum-it being set to farming related nominal helps and the fact that you can extend the package to work with livestock and / or arable records and payroll is an attractive feature which would come in handy for me should a client need more farm secretarial services as an add on. Support is brilliant and you can decide what level you want to pay for.

    VT support has been fine but seems very limited in comparison.

    It really depends how much you want to get out of the package at the end of the day.
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    WE have had some success with a farmer using Clearbooks. Any system which can allow manipulation of the nominal ledger (which most should) to get the headings you require should be fine. VTT+ may well work too.


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