Taking on clients


Can I be given help on how to start taking on clients as I feel confident that whilst studying for my AAT, I can taking preparing accounts for sole traders etc. I am not sure where to start and how to advertise my services.

Any advice/help will be greatly appreciated.

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  • eddy2309
    eddy2309 Registered Posts: 16 New contributor 🐸
    I started off by doing family and friends accounts (charged them ,of coursse!) and I also advertised in the local free rag. I distributed leaflets, letters to local businesses etc. I started to receive enquiries via local rag - nothing from leaflets and letters! However, I have found over the 11yrs I have been doing this, that word of mouth is by far the best form of advertising. I also offered discounts to clients for recommendations. It takes , time to build up a client list but make sure you have all the knowledge you need in order to both prepare accounts and advise clients on tax issues.
  • michaelc131093
    michaelc131093 Registered Posts: 10
    Thank you. I haven't got the knowledge for any tax issues as of yet so maybe it is something to consider once I have passed those exams. This was great help.
  • michaelc131093
    michaelc131093 Registered Posts: 10
    Will the Level 4 Business tax and Personal tax examinations not help? I understand to get practical experience I will need to pick up through work experience.
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    I must say I agree. AAT can give you the basicas and fundamentals of tax. Whilst I am now only AAT I have done tax modules at ACCA and some of the ATT too (One of those things to finish when time allows). I also worked in a practice for a number of years. Sometimes just look at the level of questions on here. I'm not picking on anybody in particular but it is worrying sometimes to see the level of questions on here and to think these people are advising others and charging for that work.

    I appreciate we all need to start somewhere and we all continually improve our knowledge and that is the purpose of CPD. However I do think there is a certain level you should be at to cope with 90% of the everyday clients you are likely to get and the questions you are likely to be asked.

  • michaelc131093
    michaelc131093 Registered Posts: 10
    Yes, I see where you are all coming from. If that is the case then I may have to balance what I know and service I can provide with the price I would charge. However, to do this I feel I will need to be at the end of my studies.

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