P32 Monthly Payment Deadline

richiebkerry Registered Posts: 45 Regular contributor ⭐
Morning, I have picked up a monthly salary payment run for the office staff. I'm finding Sage 50 Payroll really user friendly.

I just want to double check the deadline for the P32 total amount due in the month. Am I right in thinking it has to be the 22nd of the following month?

For example, I entered the details in Sage on 19th May, the payment to staff will be the 27th May... does this mean the total amount due on the P32 has to be paid before 19th June? Or is it the 22nd June as per https://www.gov.uk/pay-paye-tax/overview


  • MarieNoelle
    MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
    You get a 3 days extension by paying electronically.
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