Can units be transferred across multiple AAT qualifications?

Hiya, just wondering if anyone could help me with a quick query.

I'm wanting to start the Foundation certificate in Bookkeeping (level 2) soon. I noticed that the 2 modules 'bookkeeping transactions' and 'bookkeeping controls' are also modules on the Foundation certificate in accounting (level 2).

I know I can go onto level 3 accounting or level 3 bookkeeping after this level; but should I want to do level 2 accounting as well, would I have to resit bookkeeping controls and bookkeeping transactions again?

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • AAT_Team
    AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 503 🤖 Admin 🤖
    Hi Harrison, if you complete the Foundation certificate in Bookkeeping you won't need to redo these modules if you choose to complete the Foundation certificate in accounting. (This is the same content so you will only need to complete the remaining modules).

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