Which module is the hardest?

How difficult are Business Tax & Personal Tax in comparison with the others? Thanks.


  • PolarisDyas
    PolarisDyas Registered Posts: 24
    So far I've found Cash Management the hardest. Also took Credit Management which wasn't difficult.
  • BlueJeans
    BlueJeans Registered Posts: 56
    Honestly, it depends on the person.
    Personally, I passed all the modules for the first time and failed both of taxes. ( even though I found these modules very interesting)
    To me, business tax was more difficult to tackle. I think it wasn't enough sample assessments to practice.
    I do not consider myself a quiter, but after failing more than once business tax, I switched it to Credit control. I do not regret it a single bit.

    Good luck :) :)
    Believe you can and you're halfway there...
  • Adele69
    Adele69 Registered Posts: 320
    Business Tax has been tricky so far, there is a lot to learn and remember, still sweating over Chargeable Gains and Capital Losses, Partnership POA.... but I thought the same about Financial Statements, and some sums in Financial Performance I only really understood the week before my exam.

    I decided against doing both Taxes because of the change to AQ2016 and lack of new AQ2013 materials. Less changes, actually looking at the AQ2016 appears more difficult with the R&D tax relief and other bits hopefully I won't need to learn if I can pass under AQ2013
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