Reference to act as a guarantor

MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
I have been asked to provide a reference for my client to act as a guarantor for a letting.

Although I have no issue with providing last 3 years earnings the estate agent also asks whether my client "is in a position financially to afford this legal position". I was thinking of writing something along the lines of "we have no reason to believe that XXX would not fulfil their commitments however we can make no assessment of our client's continuing income or future outgoings.
[Firm Name] will not be responsible for any financial loss or damage or consequential financial loss or damage resulting from any party placing reliance on the information supplied."

Would this be acceptable? Any advice welcome!
Many thanks


  • MarieNoelle
    MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
    They haven't provided a form to complete as such, just a list of questions to confirm earnings and financial position.
    I will give the minimum information required and include a disclaimer.
    Thanks again.
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