TIPS for written parts of Financial Performance EXAM?!

I don't know where I went wrong, literally.


  • Rebecca_JORDISON
    Rebecca_JORDISON Registered Posts: 10
    Is this after failing an exam? If so ask for feedback from the exam centre and they will at least tell you which areas you underperformed in. Maybe give some specific feedback? If you failed by an inch, might be worth a re-mark request?
    I'm afraid it's just practise, if you can get the figures right thats half the battle though, the interpretation part isn;t fun, but again takes practise to write about the meaning of the numbers. I know i asked for dozens of practise questions so i eventually could do the calculations without my 'cheat sheet'.
  • BlueJeans
    BlueJeans Registered Posts: 56
    I had an excellent teacher, she used to give us lots of practice papers made by her, which I regret big time as I threw the papers away after I passed....I passed first time and I have to mention, English is my second language, so if I did it, like hell you can do it ;)
    Lots of practice examples I would say, different scenarios.
    P.s. I will double check if smth might be left on my e-mail, and I will forward it to you if I find anything.
    Believe you can and you're halfway there...
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