
Hi everybody.

Have somebody ever submitted an appeal against the exam and got the favourable feedback ? I wonder if its worth sending an appeal or will it not change my marks... I failed MDCL again with 68%.. I tried 3 times and had 67% first time, 68% second time and 68% this time too... this is ridiculous as I passed all the other exams including the synoptic assessment with the average percentage of 84%... I dont understand how many times I can be trying to pass MDCL but clearly there is something wrong and I am really getting upset about it ...


  • fedemenni
    fedemenni Registered Posts: 93
    I have tried with Cash Management and the result didn't change a point, that was 68%. What I suggest is just try to redo the exam straight away, see what you have done wrong and concentrate on revision on that. This method worked for me, ETAU failed 65% then 79% passed.

    I am going to sat MCDL once again on the 31/1, first time I have failed with 39% and it was Nov 16..

    good luck!
  • tinkerbell0406
    tinkerbell0406 Registered Posts: 58
    I have appeal twice and the percentage was not changed.
    You get a bit of extra feedback but I appealed my synoptic and the further feedback was not very good.
    I would save your £30 and the six weeks wait and just retake it.
    I have had the same problem with MDCL. I have taken it three times and I now do not know what I did wrong. I felt quite confident, but I am back with my head in the books. I am now looking at F5 ACCA as although it a level up I think it may give me extra info to pass this exam.
    Good luck
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