Revision help!

Looking for some help and guidance on how to revise for the synoptic please!
Failed the first time with 68% and failed again last week with 66%!
I’m now finding it hard to revise because obviously I’ve done all the mocks and revision books twice over so basically know the answers but still finding it hard to apply them to exam!
If anyone could please send what they’ve found useful to pass the exam I would be extremely grateful ?


  • c4n4ries
    c4n4ries Registered Posts: 9
    I would suggest going onto YouTube and looking onto the LSBF (London School of Business and Finance) channel. They have about 6 videos that talk you through some of the different tasks. I definitely found it helpful when I was studying for the Synoptic.

    It is hard when you have been over the study material and same questions so many times because you don't really feel like you are studying! But keep with it, and don't give up! Use the YouTube channel and make notes from that (you will know it is the right one as they all wear t-shirts saying "I <3 AAT"!!)
  • chloewain_
    chloewain_ Registered Posts: 42
    If you have already done all of the revision material (covered all of system and controls and the other 3, including formulas) then maybe it is about exam technique. I found the following link useful, it clearly states what comes up on each question and how much time you should spend.

    The examiner's report on the AAT website is also very useful as it states what students do and don't do well. This gives you an idea of what will come up on each question too. Reading practice assessment answers may be useful as it gives you an idea of how to answer it.

    I also found some youtube videos helpful. I had already gone through all of the videos from LSBF (mentioned by @c4n4ries which are really good!!) The below video gives good exam tips, and how to work out what a question is asking you;t=285s

    These are also some really good flash cards- loads of them

    Hope these help and good luck with your exam!
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