How to access tutor forums

Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖
If you are a Tutor and want access to the Tutor forums please complete the following steps:
Firstly, please register on these forums.
Once completed please e-mail the community team via with your - Full name - Registered e-mail address. - The training provider/college your work for. Once received we will process the request within 1 working day of receiving the e-mail.
Alternatively send a message to AAT_Team with the same details and you will be give you access to the tutor pages.
Firstly, please register on these forums.
Once completed please e-mail the community team via with your - Full name - Registered e-mail address. - The training provider/college your work for. Once received we will process the request within 1 working day of receiving the e-mail.
Alternatively send a message to AAT_Team with the same details and you will be give you access to the tutor pages.