Using Accounting Software Assessment - how do you do it?
Registered, Tutor Posts: 12
Hi - we seem to have had a myriad of problems with the Level 2 Using Accounting Software assessment this year. How do other training providers deal with setting up these assessments and the uploading part.
We have in the past left it all to the students to do. Launching SAGE, entering company details, setting time and date for software, downloading the question book, and then saving and uploading files at the end. The last cohort though had severe problems and we are not quite sure why. Has any one else had worse problems this year than before? Do any of you have tutors on hand to assist with the set up of SAGE and the uploading of files - I am not sure on the appropriateness of this action but it is one that is being proposed to me by my establishment.
We have in the past left it all to the students to do. Launching SAGE, entering company details, setting time and date for software, downloading the question book, and then saving and uploading files at the end. The last cohort though had severe problems and we are not quite sure why. Has any one else had worse problems this year than before? Do any of you have tutors on hand to assist with the set up of SAGE and the uploading of files - I am not sure on the appropriateness of this action but it is one that is being proposed to me by my establishment.
I always attend this assessment along with an independent invigilator in case of IT problems.
I order the assessment from Content Queries a week before (send them a screenshot of the students entered from SecureAssess).
The exams team prints out paper copies for all students just prior to the exam (all collected in at the end).
I make sure all companies are set up properly with correct programme date as this is not part of the assessment.
At the end I help with any uploading problems, incorrect file names etc.
If any files will not upload then the exams team email any evidence straight to the AAT immediately after the exam.
Over the years I think we have had every problem going with this exam, including students using SecureAssess on one computer and SAGE on another. It's very useful to have a memory stick at hand. It's not fair to leave it all to an unexperienced invigilator.
Having said all of this it was highlighted at the York regional meeting (regarding AVSY and Spreadsheets) that the AAT should not be creating assessments that cause so many problems for students and invigilators in the first place !! Very stressful !!5