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Re: Advice needed - returning to study after 11 years

Thanks so much I do plan on refreshing my knowledge I just didn’t know where to begin, but will definitely try the online AAT articles thank you and will also be purchasing certain books to go over; may go down the online route for those though.
Have a lovely evening

Re: Advice needed - returning to study after 11 years

Hi Kerry,

Good Morning, I hope you are doing well!

I would say the best way would be to learn the basics or foundation knowledge from every exam that you would need to take to Level 4. For example, you need to learn the essence of double entry and year end accounts before you go to DAIFS exam on level 4.

You can learn using online AAT articles on the topics that were covered in level 3 FAPS for example or you can also get e-book from Osborne which are very reasonably priced. Final option is to have personal tutoring sessions with a Tutor who can go through level 4 but at the same time help you refresh on your content knowledge for level 3.

I hope this helps. Good Luck.

Re: Mock exams

Hi Lora. Hope you're well. We do indeed have practice assessments when you register with us. You get two practice assessments per unit as well as other study resources like green light tests.

Re: Level 3 FAPFS Help

@Becks27 You may find this session we did on FAPS last year useful

Re: Tax processing paper

Have you tried different exam kits. I find the BPP exam kits are very good

Re: Ledgers & dead/clic

Note that the 'sides rule' of DEAD/CLIC relates to *Increases* in Expenses/Assets/Drawings (being on the left-hand side, the Debit side) and Liabilities/Income/Capital (being on the right-hand side, the Credit side). If any of EAD/LIC are Reduced, the side of the entry is switched.

Re: Applied Management Accounting, work book

Hi @emanneh

I hope you are well?

Please see below the answer to the question, answers to April

Sales: Budget for the year £540,000 / Units sold 36,000 = £15 per unit. So for April it would be 3,000 Units x £15 = £45,000

Material Used - You have been told each unit requires 1.5kg costing £1.80 per kg. So you have been told that you have produced 3,500 units. Now to work out the kg used. 3,500 units x 1.5kg per unit = 5,250kg of materials used. Now to work out cost - 5,250kg x £1.80 = £9,450

Labour - You have been told each unit takes 15 minutes. We have produced 3,500 units. So to work out the time it would be 3,500 units x 15 mins = 52,500 minutes. Now we need to convert this into hours. So you would do the following - 52,500 mins / 60 mins (to convert to hours) = 875 Hours in total. You have been told basic hours avaliable in April is 800 hours. This means that 75 hours must be overtime hours. So to work out the basic hours it will be 800 hours x £12 basic rate (provided in your question) = £9,600. Overtime hours will be - 75 hours x £18 (£12 basic + 50% more than basic (£6)) = £1,350. Now add up the £9,600 + £1,350 = £10,950 is the labour cost in April

Variable Production Overhead - Relates to the labour hours worked including overtime. So for the year you have been told £20,000 for the variable production overhead and the labour for the year is £122,400 and labour for the month we worked out previous as £10,950. So to work out labour overhead for April it will be (£20,000 / £122,400) x £10,950 = £1789.21 (to 2 decimal places) or £1,789 (rounded to whole pound)

Fixed Production Overhead - Evenly spread throughout the year - So this would be - £18,000 / 12 months = £1,500 for April

I hope this helps you out. If anything is wrong do feel free to let me know I can look into it.

Many thanks


Re: Business TAX - is this wrong? (Practice assessment 1) - mark scheme 1

@anony123 you're right! it really confused me as I had not learn that way as I am using the Kaplan books, makes sense now. Thank you for your help :)

Re: strategies for securing my first job in accountancy.

Hi @buslaefff

It is a difficult market right now, you are not alone trust me. Keep applying around you will get there.

Have you tried other websites like Reed, Total Jobs, CV Library?

Are you on Linkedin, if not create a profile, upload your CV, talk to finance recruiters on there, they are all on there and they will be able to assist you.

Your first role will most likely need to be a Purchase Ledger Clerk / Assist, or Sales Ledger Clerk / Assistant or Finance Assistant then from there you will grow.

I hope this helps you out.

Kind regards


Re: Merit and Distinction Rates for Level 2 and Level 3 Bookkeeping Exams

It’s on each separate model. Go to where the markers anaylse lasts years results. It is like a summary right at the bottom. It shows graphs of overall percentages and on what questions people scored well on and worst at.
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