MAC suggested answer

speegs Registered Posts: 854 Epic contributor 🐘

Does anyone have a suggested answer for MAC yet?

Also if we forgot to put "thousands" in task 1.3 of the MAC paper but think we got the rest of the question correct would you fail for that?

I am certain I have failed anyway, but it would be good to know. Did anyone else find tasks 1.1 and 1.2 really hard?



  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    I have nearly finished my ECR answer and am hoping to send it to proof readers today
    I will try to find some time to put an answer together for MAC and will be asking for proof readers tomorrow (but it depends on the time I can find to do it)
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    Time has beaten me this morning
    Time and meetings marking etc etc
    I have managed up to the end of task 2.1 so I have 2.2 and 2.3 still to do
    I should have them done tomorrow morning

    Anyone willing to act as a proof reader please email me and make it quite clear that you want to proof read the Dec 2007 MAC Sandy Answer

    I plan to attend an AAT meeting with the examiner on Wednesday next week
    I already have a question about this paper
    Page 3 has a csection
    Stocks of finished goods of games
    • The policy is to keep sufficient closing stock to meet 5 days' production in the following month unless otherwise stated
    I have produced 2 answers, one based on production with some non-round numbers, the other based on sales with round numbers. Was it intended that this sentence should have read:
    • The policy is to keep sufficient closing stock to meet 5 days' sales in the following month unless otherwise stated

    Until I have spoken to him I have to assume that what the paper actually said is what he meant it to say

    For the time being subject line
    proof read the Dec 2007 MAC Sandy Answer
    to me (email below)
    and I'll send out the proof reading copies when they are ready

    Thank you in advance for your help

  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    Sara has kindly offered to proof read my answer
    I hope to be able to send anyone who would like copies emails from Monday afternoon
    This will not be an automatic reply, so please send an email to me with the subject line as follows
    MAC Dec 07 Sandy Answer
    and I will send out my idea of the answer to the Dec 2007 MAC paper when I log in to my emails

    Best wishes
  • manj82
    manj82 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    Hi Sandy,

    Thank you for taking the time to provide us with some answers.

    I actually happen to be one of those students who used sales instead of production, for calculating closing stock, I did not pick this up until recently :(

    I was wondering if you had any feedback from your meeting with the examiners and if you are permitted to share that with us?

    I would like to hear how they responded to this issue.

    Thanks and Regards,

  • jgd
    jgd Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    i'll appreciate you can send me the answers of MAC exam on my email id :
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod

    Yesterday's meeting was limited to papers 3, 8, 9, 18, and 19

    But the PEV examiner is also the MAC examiner

    I raised the question of whether production meant sales and when I did he was a little surprised.
    Of the papers he has looked at so far, this has not been an issue.
    However when he came back to me later on, he said he thinks it should have read as sales and this will be something he looks out for when going through the scripts. I think this is fair comment, we are all well aware that a lot of candidates read what they want to read rather than what is written on the exam paper. On this (very rare) occassion it appears that reading production to mean sales is the approach the examiner intended.
  • JoJoAlf
    JoJoAlf Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸
    If the exam was worded wrongly what will happen. I could have answered the whole question if it had said sales but because it said production I hardly answered any of it. Will the question be disregarded when marking? Surely it is unfair to say that we should have guessed what the exam should have said. We always have it drummed into us to READ AND ANSWER THE QUESTION THAT IS BEING ASKED.
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    As it happens, you can answer the question on the basis of production. It is unsual to have to closing stock in the month following the month you are looking at, but it is provided.
    As such the production can be worked out for both months.

    I know I don't have the pressure of sitting at desk too small for my papers and having to listen as an invigilator walks up and down between the desks no doubt with the squeakiest shoes ever made, but I have to grab 20 minutes here half an hour there when I am answering the papers. (You can see when I wrote this!)
    I felt it was odd, but I did exactly what you said

    And that's what you should have done.

    Forecast Sales (Units).............................Ybox.............................Siny
    • Month 3, November 2007 .....................150,000 .....................400,000
    • Month 4, December 2007..................... 160,000 .....................400,000

    Stocks of finished goods of games
    • The policy is to keep sufficient closing stock to meet 5 days’ production in the following month unless
    otherwise stated.
    • Budgeted closing stock at the end of October was 37,500 Ybox games and 100,000 Siny games.
    • The closing stock at the end of December is forecast to be zero for both games.

    My treatment was to say that there were 2 lots of 20 days within this period and the first 20 days should end with 5/20 of the second 20 days production in closing stock. Then work throgh December first as the December opening stock will be the same as the November closing stock.

    ..............................................................................Look at the Ybox........................................................And then the Siny
    In December
    Opening stock will be 25% of December production
    Sales will be .................................................................160,000.........................................................................400,000
    Closing stock will be ............................................................0...............................................................................0

    This tells you that 125% of December production = Sales
    Or that 80% of sales = production
    So December production is ...............................................128,000........................................................................320,000
    and the opening stock at the beginning of December will be .....32,000..........................................................................80,000

    To work out the November production

    Sales are .....................................................................150,000.........................................................................400,000
    Closing stock is ...............................................................32,000..........................................................................80,000
    So we need a total of .....................................................182,000........................................................................480,000

    Op stock is ....................................................................37,500........................................................................100,000
    Production must be .......................................................144,500........................................................................380,000
  • SandyHood
    SandyHood Registered, Moderator Posts: 2,034 mod
    Now I don't think that is an unreasonable task for the examiner to ask you to do.
    It demands precisely those skills that the syllabus (standards) tell you that you need.
    Time and again the examiner warns you and lecturers like me to look at the full syllabus and not to assumme that just because one style of question has been used in the past it will continue to be used in the future.

    A student who has prepared well could complete the task I have shown and then gone on to finish section 1 within the 75 minutes.

    And there is no need whatsoever for you to answer anything other that exactly what the examiner has asked you for.
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