Gaining Clients

Rachel Registered Posts: 348 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Hello All

I hope you can help but please don't think I want you to do everything for me and ignore me.

As in the title I am a MIB without an clients in St Ives Cambs wanting to do bookkeeping. I have read on here quite alot at how to get clients eg word of mouth advertising and writing to Accountants.

I would like to now write to the local Accountants and ask them if they have any clients that they do not want (ie bookkeeping work) or if they would employ me on a contract basis. However, I also do not want to upset every local Accountant and get a black mark against myself never to work again. Could anyone please give me some tips on how to word these letter for this and best affect.

And if anyoen could suggest any other ways to gain clients I will be very grateful.

Thank you very much for reading this and any response will be gratefully received.

Many Thanks



  • shaxxa
    shaxxa Registered Posts: 82 Regular contributor ⭐
    I would recommend that you offer your services as a sub-contractor and enclose your CV showing your qualifications and experience to date.
    It's a shame that you didn't do this a month earlier as you may have had more uptake on your services in this busy period. Although it may not be too late if you can get your letters out quickly.
    This may sound a little obvious but be professional in your approach and check grammer and spelling.
    I never had any luck with my local accountants, you have to be careful in case they see you as competition.
    All my clients have been through word of mouth, but what works for some may not work for others.
    Good luck.:thumbup1:

  • Rachel
    Rachel Registered Posts: 348 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    Thank you very much for responding to my thread.

    I am trying to get clients through word of mouth but it is proving difficult as I have not lived round here for very long.

    I am really struggling and hopefully if I push myself a little bit more I will get some interest.

    I was made redundant before going on maternity leave and I am finding it extremely difficult to go back to a job at the same level part-time so that is why I have become a MIP


  • shaxxa
    shaxxa Registered Posts: 82 Regular contributor ⭐
    The one thing I've learned since being a MIP is nothing will happen overnight.
    It does take time and do look out for opportunities. I.e if you have plumber/gas man doing work at your house, give them your business card.
    Look out for local networking meetings, try Business Link's website, it's full of useful info.
    I also offer my new clients a discount for a referral, that works!:thumbup:
    Keep going, it will happen but just takes time.

  • Rachel
    Rachel Registered Posts: 348 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I know I am impatient and want things to happen overnight.
    Thank you again for you help and advise.
  • deanshepherd
    deanshepherd Registered Posts: 1,809 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    January is prime time for picking up some subcontract work. It is far too late to be writing in with your CV though. I would try and find out who the tax partner is and call them up and see if you can do some subcontracting work for them. Any CVs submitted in January will go straight to the bottom of the intray.

    Once you hit 1st Feb then subcontracting will just dry up. Most firms will be having to manage the lack of work available for their tax staff and are unlikely to need anything subcontracting out.

    That said, I started as an MIP on 1st February 2004 and found it was not a bad time to find my own clients at all. Many had tax matters on their mind and had vowed to find an accountant after having struggled to do things themselves at the last minute.

    Good luck!
  • Rachel
    Rachel Registered Posts: 348 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thank you again for all your advise.

    I think I just need to remember it will be slow going to start with.
  • James F
    James F Registered Posts: 8 New contributor 🐸
    I've literally just sent out 9 letters to local accountancy practices (in Bristol) asking if they have any work they want to sub contract. I'm not expecting a response but at least they'll have my business card for the future. I though it was worth doing as it didn't take too long and didn't have much to loose, although I too was worried about putting a black mark against my name!
  • yves
    yves Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor ⭐
    Im in the same position myself I have found it impossible to get new clients so I wrote to a few local accountants I now work on a self employed basis for a local accountant but need my own clients if im ever going to be able to give up my everyday employment and work solely for myself any suggestions
    would be appreciated

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