AAT Funding for people on tax credits & working?

A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
Hi All

A quick question regarding funding of AAT Studies - I am currently working and recieving tax credits as well as doing AAT foundation part-time. This year due to my status i was able to recieve free tutation for the foundation year.

but now have been told i have to fund the second year myself even though i am still recieving tax credits.

i am 34 fall out of the 25 and under for an apprenticeship.

advice would be greatfully recieved


  • pernickety
    pernickety Registered Posts: 47 Regular contributor ⭐

    When I started I too got funding when I was on tax credits. The funding was through the Learning Skills Council, but administered by the college I attended. However, as I am now working for myself (and not receiving tax credits now). I dont know if that funding may have continued for another tuition year or not. If you study at college, may be worth asking the finance team there.
  • 'M'
    'M' Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸

    I too was received funding for my first year as I was receiving Tax Credits.
    When I applied for the Advanced and Tech stage I was told that if you do not receive a means tested benefit, ie housing benefit, then would have to pay tuition fees.
    Unfortunately, for me I had to pay all the fees due.
    Suppose I was lucky to get first year!!.
    Hope this is of help.
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Yeah thanks for replying :001_smile:

    this is pretty much what ive been told also was hoping there would be a sourse of funding avilable

    if my results from exam go the right way (mess up with exam results by email lol) i may approach my employer to see if a way he can fund the next two years for me.

    any ideas how i could approach the subject to him as i have worked for 3 years think am worth the expence!
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    Tell them about all the benefits they will have by having you as AAT qualified. You will be a professional trained to high standards with a requirement to keep your skills up to date through CPD.

    It will show to other members of staff that the company looks out for the interests of it's staff and their future development.

    Your skills will develop and you will be able to take on more advanced roles and will develop along with the company as it moves forward.

    Sell Yourself!

  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Yeah was thinking along the same lines

  • MEM
    MEM Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸

    I have just completed my AAT studies from Foundation through to Technician and paid reduced fees throughout. I work and receive Tax Credits but nothing else. Maybe it depends where you study as to what funding is available? I don't know what is available in your area but I studied at a local college. It may be worth looking around to see where else they offer the course in your area. It is certainly worth it as the reduced fees were only a fraction of the full cost.
  • sarahwilson
    sarahwilson Registered Posts: 567 Epic contributor 🐘
    I think its really bad that people over 25 who decide they want to change their career or just get one like I did can't even apply for help anywhere. I pay for my own which is fair enough I can afford it but what if people can't, theres nowhere for them to go.
  • Devilishbird
    Devilishbird Registered Posts: 56 Regular contributor ⭐
    Didn't the government mention that it wanted everybody to have at least an NVQ level 3? Am sure there was funding for it but then again I think this may have had something to do with EU funding (as I have a niggle at the back of my mind) but yes the government said it wanted everyone to have at least up to that level of Qualification so they should have funding availiable. I did mine on a MA but I was also under 25 when I started,

    Speak to your local college, connexions, careers advice centre or training provider they might be able to help :001_smile:
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    goverment funding

    yes thats true about them wanting you to have nvq qualifacation but personally i have in the last 6 years gained numerous computer qualifacations 5 GCSE's 3 Alevels and 2 NVQ in accounting - it may seem i have used the system but thats what it was set up for.

    i now find that i have the basics but if i want to continue on a path of finally getting to build a career i could be held back do to funding - it seems strange that the goverment are prepaired to show you a step up but not aid to finish

    sorry rant over lol
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