P11D's clarification please

sarahwilson Registered Posts: 567 Epic contributor 🐘
Hi, I am only a student so maybe this shouldn't be in here but I don't know where else to put it.

If we have a working lunch meeting at work and lunch is provided by the company (due to the fact no one can go out of it to get their own lunch) should that be put on a P11D? At the moment everything like breakfast sandwiches if we have had a good month, food provided in meetings is getting put on the P11D. Now there is talk of putting the tea/coffee/milk/sugar and bottled water onto them too.

Is this correct, I don't think it is but I don't really know. If anyone can advise me if these are the correct rules but we are taking them too far or if we are doing it wrong I would be greatful, if only because I don't want to make out 20 P11D's if I don't have to!!


  • Poodle
    Poodle Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Sarah

    If you do not have them then I suggest that you may find the following publications useful;

    HM Revenue & Customs booklet CGW5, Class 1A National Insurance contributions on benefits in kind - A guide for employers

    480 Expenses and benefits - A tax guide

    Meals provide by an employer (other than in a canteen open to all) does not attract Class 1 NIC's but does attract Class 1A NIC's. You should enter onto section M of the P11d's.

    They may also attract income tax on the individual as well.

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