Exam location ?

John Registered Posts: 52 Regular contributor ⭐
Where are the Dec exams held in the Midlands and who oversees them etc ? (I'm doing distance learning and live Derbys).

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  • George Tse
    George Tse Registered Posts: 241 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Which provider are you with cos they should tell you if they run exams
  • Kirsty
    Kirsty Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    Kaplan are hosting exams in both Derby and Nottingham.

    But it depends who your provider is.

    When you click on enter for exams, it asks you where you plan to sit the exam There is a drop down list. Have a quick look on there.
  • NeilH
    NeilH Registered Posts: 553 Epic contributor 🐘

    Exams are held by/at the approved course providers. If you are studying by distance learning you will need to book your exam at a centre that accepts external students (students other than their own). I'm not sure about the online entry, but for the old paper based entry the AAT would provide a list of the centres accepting external students and you just chose the best one for you.


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