FRA Simulation

jow774 Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰

I've just done my FRA Simulation and I found it really hard! Lol. I thought the exam wasn't bad but this was awful. Not enough revising I suppose. Does anyone know what the pass rate is for simulations, I heard it was 85% is that true?

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  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Hey jow,
    We was told before the simulation that anything under 80% would be a fail and we'd have to do the whole exam again. Anything between 80% and 99% would have additional questions (this is the most common thing to happen) 100% is a straight pass (very rare so we was told)
    I'm sure you did fine.
  • square-peg
    square-peg Registered Posts: 143 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Hey jow,
    under 80% would be a fail...between 80% and 99% would have additional questions.....100% is a straight pass
    (quote edited)

    lol! It's funny isn't it how all our tutors tell us all something different. I just went back through my emails to see what mine told me when I did my first simulation (unit 6) and she said "I would say the quality of the work in your paper would be the equivalent of a 96% pass and considering that a normal pass would be the equivalent of 75 % you did extremely well", which kind of suggests there isn't an exact percentage given at all, as she refers to me getting a mark 'equivalent to', and the 'normal' (by which I assume she means minimum) pass mark being 'equivalent to'. It all seems rather relative, based on proof of competency rather than an exact mark. Who knows?!
  • Victoria
    Victoria Registered Posts: 18 New contributor ๐Ÿธ
    Well my tutors told me that you have to get 100% or you don't pass. i think they were just scaring us so we studied hard but in comparison to the exam the simulations are much harder i think. and longer!

    Victoria x
  • jow774
    jow774 Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Whoops. I like the idea of 75% far better than 100% although Im still not optimistic for 75%, lol. Do you have to take the same simulation if you fail or do you take a different one does anyone know? Im doing the course distance learning if that makes any difference.
  • square-peg
    square-peg Registered Posts: 143 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    jow774 wrote: ยป
    Whoops. I like the idea of 75% far better than 100% although Im still not optimistic for 75%, lol. Do you have to take the same simulation if you fail or do you take a different one does anyone know? Im doing the course distance learning if that makes any difference.

    It's not a straightforward pass/fail, in that if you don't achieve 'competency' in all the areas, there is a section in the booklet for the tutor to show what questions he/she set you extra afterwards and on what date in order for you to show your competency in those areas so that you do pass. Hope I made sense there!
  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    I'm doing distance learning too and sent an email to my ONLY contact at AAT the other day to get an out of office until 19th of January message back. So know I have to wait all this time to see what I failed on, on Unit 6...
    My nails have all been bitten off.
    PAMDILL Registered Posts: 721 Epic contributor ๐Ÿ˜
    Surely with distance learning it is your training provider who would give you the feedback. I am with Kaplan distance learning and find them not too good but at least they do give me the feedback on simulations.
  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    I completed the Unit 5 skills test in June 2008. I finally got an email off him (after a lot of chasing) that I'd need to do some additional work on the 23rd of September...:thumbup:
  • jow774
    jow774 Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    On no, Im with Kaplan! Its not looking good for me getting a speedy result then! They don't seem to give out much support, I've found the AAT website more supportive than anything. I was hoping to wait until I get the result before I start to concentrate on Unit 7, but perhaps I might be best to just plod on anyway.:confused1:
  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    I am JOW, when you doing the Unit 7 skills test? Mine's in February.
  • jow774
    jow774 Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    Im not going to commit to it until I'm sure I have enough knowledge (after the disaster of this one, lol). Was hoping to do it around about end of Feb as I hear unit 7 is one of the easier ones, then tackle unit 6 from March to May and do the skills test after the exam on that one. I am starting to wish I'd have gone to college now, lol. :blushing:
  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    I personally thought Unit 6 was a praticually hard one this year compared to the previous test papers. But I did my best and now just have to wait!
    I'm studying Unit 7 and have set up some spreadsheet if you want to see what you have to remember. There's a lot I think!
  • jow774
    jow774 Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    You sound very organised so I am sure you have done well. It would be great if I could check out your spreadsheet, not sure how to do that though, so you would have to coach me on it, lol!:confused1:
  • dobbieobby
    dobbieobby Registered Posts: 231 Dedicated contributor ๐Ÿฆ‰
    God dont ask me! I've only just started looking at it. Just did the speadsheet to get some bits in order. There's sooooo much more to do! Dont really know where to start, so I'm almost at the point of ignoring it and hoping it will go away...
    If you give me your email addy, I'll send it, we could coach eachother!

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