Failed FRA BADLY!!!

jackiepowell Registered Posts: 72 Regular contributor ⭐
Has anyone else found that FRA paper really really hard?? Everything that was on it was my weak parts!!!

It was my 3rd time sitting it!!! Praying for a 4th!!! :( Im so thick!!!!!

Is there another way to become qualified in accounts, other then doing the AAT route!

I was so upset when i came out!! Really had a good go at it! But didnt complete some questions on the second half, didnt calculate TB. Just did what i could, mind totally froze when i saw all those things i couldnt do!!



  • Carolyn77
    Carolyn77 Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    I can completely commiserate with you!!! I feel the absolute same.
    I had a go at all of it, but I'm 99% sure I'll be resitting this.

    I studied so hard, I don't know what else I could've done to get any more prepared for it.

    Sorry you had such a bad time with it. Wish you all the best of luck next time.
  • meibaker
    meibaker Registered Posts: 481 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    didn't do very well in the section 2, hard the exam is quite. fingers crossed!
  • Gato
    Gato Registered Posts: 9 New contributor 🐸
    I studied so hard, I found this paper very hard and different from the rest.
  • any2002uk
    any2002uk Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐

    i have been doing 3 times past exam papers all over again, 2003 to 2008, it gave me confident, then found that exam was very similar to these past exam questions.
  • flower
    flower Registered Posts: 160 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Think I did really bad too especially in section 1. I know I got ETB correct though but my figures are not same as others have said.

    Feel a bit cheated put in so much revision and dont know why I bothered.
    Same with ECR too. A lot of our group said same. Looks like thre may be a lot of resits in December unless everyone did badly.
  • JakkiMitchell
    JakkiMitchell Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    I found FRA really hard! It had all the things in that I'm weak at, I couldn't get anything to balance!! Had to create a suspense account in Section 1!

    In all the past papers I have done so well in Section 2, but yesterday just couldn't do it - I shall be resitting in December me thinks!

    Interesting that other people feel the same, glad I'm not the only one, I done about 6 past papers, plus revision class'

    I worked really hard towards this exam - Hope the pass mark is going to be low!!

  • KVeevers
    KVeevers Registered Posts: 67 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hm makes me a bid worried

    What you all think was the hardest bid on the exam?
    I will do my exam in December but English is not my first language so I am a bid worried about explanation or so. But you all write that it was so hard it does me a bid :scared:
  • Julietta100
    Julietta100 Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    Hi peeps, I've heard that you can resit the exam as quick as july? (i know, results are not until august but i'm possitive i'm gonna fail FRA). Has anyone heard anything like that? Apparentely it would be computerised exam which sounds much better than manual one but then how are you ment to practise? Any info would be much appreciated. xx
  • MEL772
    MEL772 Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    FRA / ECR - I'm glad I'm not alone....

    Hi All,

    I came out of this exam on Wednesday and felt completely drained.....

    I too had done the past 4 years worth of past papers with a few minor problems but nothing major to worry about.
    From the minute I opened the paper and tried to balance section 1 it was clear this was going to be a bad day!!
    The layout seemed different to past papers, I couldnt get anything to balance and like a lot of other people on here - I ran out of time to try and correct the problems.
    I did the ECR on Monday and it was that one that I was dreading! How wrong can you be??!
    Im convinced I will be re-sitting FRA in December and just hope I'm not doing them both again!!
    Just the thought of doing FRA again fills me with dread.....

  • MEL772
    MEL772 Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    I found FRA really hard! It had all the things in that I'm weak at, I couldn't get anything to balance!! Had to create a suspense account in Section 1!

    In all the past papers I have done so well in Section 2, but yesterday just couldn't do it - I shall be resitting in December me thinks!

    Interesting that other people feel the same, glad I'm not the only one, I done about 6 past papers, plus revision class'

    I worked really hard towards this exam - Hope the pass mark is going to be low!!

    Hi JakkiMitchell,

    Dont worry - you're not on your own...

  • Andypandy
    Andypandy Registered Posts: 526 Epic contributor 🐘
    Ditto! (but as I'm in public sector I used the old 'creative accounting method'). Wish I'd just shoved a suspense in.:crying:
  • imota
    imota Registered Posts: 23 New contributor 🐸
    I didn't find FRA exam difficult, that run very well for me.
  • jayne p
    jayne p Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    Hi peeps, I've heard that you can resit the exam as quick as july? (i know, results are not until august but i'm possitive i'm gonna fail FRA). Has anyone heard anything like that? Apparentely it would be computerised exam which sounds much better than manual one but then how are you ment to practise? Any info would be much appreciated. xx

    hi rang the aat nd should be able to resit on line end off august but not all colleges are on line yet you would need to ask your tutor
  • Julietta100
    Julietta100 Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    hi, my tutor "doesn't know anything about it". TYPICAL! Well, gonna have to ring AAT and find nearest place to do it. Thank you ever so much for the reply
  • shazza
    shazza Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    FRA - awful!!

    Like a lot of you I agree - I studied and revised so hard for this exam and was really taken aback when I opened the paper - nothing like I was expecting. I had practiced exam paper after exam paper from 2005 to date and was pretty much ok. Even doing well in the simulation in May!

    When I opened this paper I just panicked and everythng went to pieces from then on. I had a go at most parts but know I failed miserably on part 1. Part 2 was not so bad though.

    I thought I was on my own, so it is good to read Im not alone, although I wish we were all saying how easy it was!!

    Def be sitting again in December for me!!

    Best of luck to you all though x x:thumbup:
  • English Muffin
    English Muffin Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    English Muffin
    Has anyone else found that FRA paper really really hard?? Everything that was on it was my weak parts!!!

    It was my 3rd time sitting it!!! Praying for a 4th!!! :( Im so thick!!!!!

    Is there another way to become qualified in accounts, other then doing the AAT route!

    I was so upset when i came out!! Really had a good go at it! But didnt complete some questions on the second half, didnt calculate TB. Just did what i could, mind totally froze when i saw all those things i couldnt do!!


    I walked in confident, then 2hrs later walked out defeated, I was confused by the wording of the questions in the first half of the paper. Looks like i'll be resitting that paper again no doubt!!!
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Every year, one exam promotes this sort of reaction. This year it seems to be FRA.

    I look forward to (as in every other sitting that this has happened in) to seeing the majority of you, who think you have failed, PASS!
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