Kids living at home paying "Keep"



  • lilac_angel
    lilac_angel Registered Posts: 66 Regular contributor ⭐
    When i first started working part time when i left school i was paying £100 a month out of my wages (£400). When i started working full time my parents wanted £400 a month nearly half my wages as i was only earning £1000.
  • slackda
    slackda Registered Posts: 460 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    When i first started working part time when i left school i was paying £100 a month out of my wages (£400). When i started working full time my parents wanted £400 a month nearly half my wages as i was only earning £1000.

    seems harsh at the time, but its a truth that it costs a lot to have a roof over your head these days......
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    AK002 wrote: »
    I pay £80 a month! bloody rip off!

    She's upping it to £100 after X-mas :(
  • Marga
    Marga Registered Posts: 981 Epic contributor 🐘
    last time i lived with my parents was when i was 18.

    After that i went to uni and had to pay off everything by working at night times, then i came to England and lived by myself until i met my husband

    however my sister still lives with my parents. She always gave the money to my mum and she cater for her (clothes, food, bills etc) , it might be a different culture but everybody who lives under the same roof shares everything...
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    AK002 wrote: »
    She's upping it to £100 after X-mas :(

    you get off lightly !!!!!!!!
  • dizzyhorse
    dizzyhorse Registered Posts: 49 Regular contributor ⭐
    I give my Mum and Dad enough to cover food, I do abit of house work 2. I remind them every now and then who will be looking after them when they get old. LOL!
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    When I lived with my parents I used to pay around £50 a month from about £600. I moved out after a few months (at 17) so didn't get chance to see if it would rise!

    My Brother still lives at home when not at uni and he doesn't pay anything! It's more the other way around. She pays for his car insurance, fuel, mobile phone etc. He works Jun - Sep earning £1300 a month and has a student loan and a £3k a year sponsorship.

    I have yet to think about when my 3 grow up what I will do but they won't be sponging if they are earning, they need to learn at home first to prepare them for the big bad world out there!


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