Sickness and Term time only employees - Help

Sarah E
Sarah E Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
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Need to run payroll next week in time for Xmas but have a member of staff off sick who is on a term time only contract. She is signed off till the 21st December. Term here finishes on 18th December. She has exceeded all her company sick pay and is now just on SSP.
The question is should I assume she is off sick till the end of the month and pay her SSP for that period or should I just pay SSP up to the end of the doctor note and normal pay after that period. Does anyone have a recommendation?

For information term time only staff are paid on an annaul hours contract divided equally over 12 months.


  • Poodle
    Poodle Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    Sarah E wrote: »

    For information term time only staff are paid on an annaul hours contract divided equally over 12 months.

    If that's the case and she is entitled to it then you should pay SSP to the 21st per the sick note.

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